Hello, true believers. Welcome to Marvel Monday, and today, we're going to be discussing an iconic superhero movie. Nearly 25 years ago, before we got Sam Rami's Spider-Man trilogy and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, 20th Century Fox put out something unforgettable. We're talking about X-Men, which brought Marvel's world-famous mutant team to the big screen along with Wolverine.
Little interesting story, my parents and I first saw this in 2020 and I barely sat through the whole film b/c I was having sleep issues at the time. Later, I rewatched it and sat through all of X-Men without having any sleeping issues whatsoever. So, what do I think of this nearly 25-year-old superhero movie that helped cement the superhero craze?
Well, I really like it. From the musical score, to the action, and the cast. Hugh Jackman, an Australian actor, nails Wolverine, and Patrick Stewart, known for playing Captain Picard in Star Trek, makes for a good Professor X. Oh, and James Marsden as Cyclops is a cool little treat, not to mention you can never go wrong with Ian McKellen as Magneto, he was incredible. The film's story is gripping as it brings you into the world of the X-Men, where people with special abilities face scrutiny along with many other hardships, and the focus is on both Wolverine and a young girl named Rogue.
Magneto serves as the primary villain of the movie, and, light spoilers, his motivations are driven by the traumatic suffering he endured at the hands of the Nazis as a young boy. Yep, he lived through World War II, and the events of the Holocaust drove him to become the extremist that Magneto is today. Ian was the right pick for the role, and I can hardly imagine anyone else playing him, at least for now. I won't spoil the rest of the story, especially as there are those who haven't seen the rest yet.
9/10. In my fairest opinion, X-Men is one of those superhero movies that is legendary for its time, and it deserves a chance from newcomers in the Marvel fandom. Good luck, and make sure you see the other movies.
Hope to see you on Marvel Monday again soon.
-James M
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