Reading Log as of January 12th


I finished Ursula LeGuin’s The Dispossessed in which no society is perfect and someone will always try to take charge. They aimed for utopia and got dystopia, no matter where they went. I'm not going to write a review because her stories are always so complex and ambiguous and I never quite know what to say.  

Completed Steve Berry’s The Emperor’s Tomb (spoilery reviewwhich was a great story, but I think I was more enamored with the Chinese history and politics , the philosophy, legalism vs  confucianism and whether oil was biotic vs abiotic than the chaos created by the two politicians vying for control of China. There were so many twists and turns which kept me fascinated until the end.  Next up in the series is The Jefferson's Key. 

Dove back into S.A. Chakraborty's The Kingdom of Copper, the 2nd book in the Daevebad Trilogy.  Oppression and control seems to be the big theme as the 3 main characters - Ali, Nahri, and Dava - forced to do things they didn't want to do. 

As for my great Les Miserable reading project, I decided to keep a journal and write a summary of each chapter.  It will help me keep track of the story and remember details since it's such a huge book. I may post weekly updates, chapter summaries and thoughts, but haven't decided yet. 

Started The City and Its Uncertain Walls and annotating as I go. Strange story so far as I think the characters are all dreaming or existing in a shadow world. 

With my bedtime read, IceRiggers by Alan Dean Foster, the characters are being drawn into the native's war. 

Alternating between New Testament journal bible and Thomas Merton's Dialogues with Silence which has pen and ink drawings by Merton with are absolutely powerful in their simplicity.   

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