About Us

Welcome to My Two Blessings 

Established 2007

Robin is a bibliophile and reading is as necessary as breathing. She can get rather crotchety without her books.  She loves sharing her love of books with other folks and hosts an online annual reading challenge - Read 52 Books in 52 Week and   2025 will be our 17th year of armchair travels. 

Writing is different since she came to it so late in life. It’s a choice, a love, a desire. For her, writing is a never ending process of learning and growing. After years of writing business letters, reports and briefs, Robin discovered that once she started putting pen to paper, she had an excuse to daydream. She's been writing for several years now and still learning more about the craft every day.  She enjoys writing flash fiction as well as non fiction, poetry, short stories, and is earnestly working on revising a novel length story.   

Robin's son James likes to write guest blogs and talks about Star Wars, comic books, video games, and more.  He loves to write fan fiction and posts his stories on Fan Fiction.net. He is also an artist and his artwork may be found on Deviant Art

Join us in our virtual parlor for a mug of tea, a glass of wine, or a cup of hubby's special roasted coffee, while we chat about life, books, writing, and more. 

1 comment:

  1. You have a blog for your writing updates! How wonderful.


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