Wow! September reading wise is a really big blur. Surprised to find I only completed 8 books and half of those were audio books.
- Memory in Death - J.D. Robb
- I'll Be Watching You - Charles De Lint (ebook)
- Life Skills for Kids (dnf)
- Born in Death - J.D. Robb (audiobook)
- One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
- Innocent in Death - J.D. Robb (audiobook)
- The Raw Shark Texts - Steven Hall
- Creation in Death - J.D.Robb
Speaking of which I'm thoroughly enjoying my online creative writing course and have some very unique and creative fellow writers joining in.
Today is the 30th anniversary of Banned Books Week which I highlighted on 52 Books in 52 Weeks. Be sure to check out the list and see what books have been challenged this past year. I've also declared October as spooky reads month and I'm determined to finally read Bram Stoker's The Snake's Pass which I've had in the stacks forever. Also have a few other scary books on the shelves going to try and read this month: Dean Koontz Odd Thomas, T.L. Hines The Dead Whisper On, Dan Simmons The Hollow Man and Ted Dekker's The Priest's Graveyard. If I at least get Snake's Pass read, then I'll be happy.
Starting the countdown for National Novel Writing month in November. Will spend the next 31 days plotting and planning so I'll be ready to hit the ground running come November 1st.
How is your fall shaping up?