2025 Books Completed

 2025 Books Completed 

  1. Arthur Ransome - Swallows and Amazons  (351) ****
  2. Ursula Le Guin - The Dispossessed (387) ****
  3. Steve Berry  - The Emperor's Tomb  (436)  ****
  4. S.A. Chakraborty - The Kingdom of Copper  (625) ****
  5. Heather Webber - At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities -  (320) ****
  6. Alan Dean Foster - Icerigger  (320) ****
  7. Haruki Murakami - The City and Its Uncertain Walls (445) **

My rating system is a mishmash of Goodreads and others.  

5 star - The writing was compelling, the world building was outstanding and the story flowed. Couldn't put it down. Evoked an emotional response and made me feel my feelings. Unique.   As a series opener, would make me want to read the whole series.  As a new to me author, would make me want to read more of their stories. Would reread again in the future. 

4 star - The writing, world building, and characters were excellent. Enjoyed the story. Would read this series or author again. Willing to give it a second read.

3 star - It was good, but...

2 star - I read the whole thing or may have skipped to the end to see what happened. May have had morally grey characters without any redeeming qualities, or something about the story turned me off, or it failed to live up to my expectations.   

1 star - Did not get page 50 or 100 depending on length of the book as it wasn't my cup of tea.  

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