Life in the household

I'm thinking, I'm thinking!!!!!!

We took a holiday from lessons for the month and my brain went poof. I have to make a list of what needs to be done, otherwise nothing is going to happen. I think it happened when I failed to type up our weekly schedule and post it on the wall. I look at the wall and low and behold - nothing written, nothing done.

I need lists... The closer I get to 50 the more absent minded I get. I need lists.

I need to do write up a final recap of lessons completed for the year and make up plans for the new year. Our school runs round from June to April with the month of May off and various days here and there. However the learning never stops and James keeps finding interesting things. He just finished reading Pagoo by Holling C. Holling to me and that was major. He read two or three chapters a night at bedtime to me and did an excellent job too. Once we finish a book that was included in lessons it goes into his bookshelf. Our bookshelves are overflowing, but that's another story.

James helped Father replace the toilet fill valve in our master bathroom yesterday and following instructions, ended up doing the majority of the work. Father is quite proud of his master plumber at the moment. Do I see more jobs getting done in the near future by Father's helper. Possibly.

I have a few reviews to write up for books completed for the spring reading thing. I read "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer (author of the vampire "twilight series) this weekend and it was an entertaining read. It wasn't on my list but I can't seem to get into "Adam" or "Scarlet" right now. I have finished the rest on my list and am almost finished with the "In Death" series by J.D. Robb. I have moved on to read a few of Tess Gerritsen's books and working my way through the mystery novels of the writers from I'm still having issues with reading books from a first person narrative perspective --- OY! I HAVE ISSUES!!!! --- but trying non the less. Some I can get into, others just leave me cold. Why is that?

Luna is getting fatter by the day and we are looking at June 10th give or take 5 days for the babies to come. I have cleaned out my closet and Father absconded with my laundry basket to make a nest for her. However, Luna kept me awake last night rummaging about in my closet so will have to rethink that. I can't sleep with our closet door open anyhow (carry over from childhood I guess). I just know she is eyeballing James closet for the birth, since she keeps disappearing into it during the middle of the night and making all kinds of banging noises. We don't have runners on the bottom of James closet doors, so she just keeps slipping in between the doors (which is the reason for all the banging noise) It is jammed full of toys and not really a safe place for her. We'll figure something out soon.

I remember during the 70's (or was it the 80's) when one of our cats (was it tiga or bonnie?) went into labor, we just put her in the guest room closet in a box and made sure she stayed there. This will be an interesting and educational experience for Father and James as they have never witnessed a cat giving birth or helped to raise kittens.

Just when I was getting ready to get out there and pluck and pull and kill all the weeds, the hot weather hit. An abnormality or precursor to an early hot summer. We just had 3 days of over 100 degree weather. Where did spring to? Today it is a little cooler, but just don't have the gumption to get out there and attack the garden. Maybe I pay my gardener extra and let him do it.

Off to work on my to - do list. Maybe!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

I had a very good - no - I have a great day yesterday. I had a relaxing day: read a book "Divided in Death" by J.D. Robb. Father and James went grocery shopping and James picked up "Robots." We had a enjoyable time watching the movie. Father did the dishes, made dinner and cleaned the kitchen. I made sure to make plenty of noises about the "Wonderful" job they were doing. My guys need plenty of encouragement and kudo's. Otherwise they don't feel loved.

Father made roast beef and yorkshire pudding for dinner and we enjoyed a nice bottle of Chateau Faizeau St Emilion Wine. Yum!

While they were out, I completed the first quiz for my math class. It was pretty easy except I missed one question: 48 divided by 0 plus 12. The answer was undefined. I answered 12. Dummy me. I mentioned it to father during dinner since he is an engineering genius and knows all the answers to everything in the world. The result was an interesting lecture, um discussion, about calculus, which I'm not taking and will never take. Any who, he decided it was a trick question the professor threw in to mess with us.

Both Father and James gave me very nice cards.

The purple flower one from James and the white flowery one from Father

James card said "Mom, I'm really proud of you and every day I'm glad to have the kind of mother other kids must wish they had!" Father told me James picked it out himself which makes it all the more special.

The card from father was very special because when I opened it, the first thing I noticed was the flowers on the front of the card. They were exactly the same as the flowers on our wedding invitations. Of course, tears sprang to my eyes before I even started reading the card. Father admitted the card touched him in the store and he got teary eyed while reading it. AW! We both have a habit of buying cards and thinking "do I want to make him or her as the case may be, cry or laugh with this one. We try to balance it out but we do get quite mushy.

The card read "For a wonderful mother:

Children do not realize how deep is a mother's love, how wise-- They do not fully understand the goodness of her guiding hand, and yet she's always held above the childhood things that children love. And as they grow the long years through, that lover for her keeps growing, too... And then they learn the full extent of what a mother's love has meant, The heartaches she's concealed within, how truly wonderful she's been! And here's to one beyond compare--the dearest mother anywhere!

So true. It made me think of my mother when I read it and realized the sentiment is so true.

Happy Mother's Day - Mom: I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!