Welcome back, ya'll. Look at that, I got my hands on the second Star Trek/Green Lantern crossover story "Stranger Worlds", set after the events of the first story. Here are my thoughts on this fantastical sci-fi crossover of incredible insanity.
Having gotten the graphic novel and read it all, Stranger Worlds is really dang good for a follow-up to the first story, which involved the crew of the Enterprise partnering with The Lanterns to fight the enemy who destroyed their world. Now, they have to deal with Sinestro and Khan. Lemme tell you, this comic is dang good from start to finish. If any of you read the first story, you'd love it all.
The writing's beyond fantastic, absolutely amazing, and the visuals are so breathtaking past the point where you can't stop reading this comic and want to read it all. Well, I read it all, that's how so good this comic book is and graphic novels are a great collection of comics to help read an entire series or story arc in its entirety if you don't have the time to get comics as they come out.
After reading the whole thing, I am craving a third Star Trek/Green Lantern crossover entry, if there really is one out there somewhere. Its possible there will be one day or maybe there is, but until then, its best to enjoy what we got. Thank you IDW and DC for making this a reality for us fans.
My score is a solid ten, now, I sign off.
-James M
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