Book Talk Tuesday: Junkyard Cats by Faith Hunter

Goodreads: After the Final War, after the appearance of the Bug aliens and their enforced peace, Shining Smith is still alive, still doing business from the old scrapyard bequeathed to her by her father. But Shining is now something more than human. And the scrapyard is no longer just a scrapyard, but a place full of secrets that she has guarded for years.

This life she has built, while empty, is predictable and safe. Until the only friend left from her previous life shows up, dead, in the back of a scrapped Tesla warplane, a note to her clutched in his fingers - a note warning her of a coming attack.

Someone knows who she is. Someone knows what she is guarding. Will she be able to protect the scrapyard? Will she even survive? Or will she have to destroy everything she loves to keep her secrets out of the wrong hands? 


Where do I begin! I usually only listen to audiobooks in the car, but I was so enthralled with Faith Hunter's Junkyard Cats, her lead character Shining Smith and the story, I plopped down on the couch and listened while coloring and while doing the laundry. I love strong female characters and unique science fiction stories. Feisty and talkative computer personalities, alien bugs, sentient cats, secrets, and more set in a futuristic united states junkyard. Now that I've listened once, the urge to race through is satisfied, and I'm listening a bit more slowly in the car now. Just like all Faith Hunter's story, I read them once really fast to find out what's going to happen and a second time to absorb and enjoy. I love Hunter's imagination and writing style.  I'm looking forward to more stories about Shining Smith and the Junkyard Cats

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