Round 3 of A Round of Words in 80 Days

ROW 80
Today is the beginning of another Round of Words in 80 days hosted by the wonderful Kait Nolan.  The last round - let's just forget about it.  I had thought of dropping out completely, but I need you guys to keep me on my toes, so here goes.   Starting fresh and going to be a bit more organized and specific. And as Kait said Be an Action Verb!  My goal this round will be to complete the 2nd edit of Eyes in the Ashes, because next round I'll be working on a brand new story for Nanowrimo.

For Eyes -  I have organized my story bible and printed off pictures off all my characters.  I'm currently working on

1)  finding pictures for my settings which while help me better envision my scenes and
2) establishing character back stories and completing interviews in order to really know them better.
3) editing the remaining scenes.

I'll try to be a bit more specific with my weekly goals, get those to do lists going and start checking things off.  Organization, baby. That's the key. 

Writing and blogging wise, my creativity needs a boost so as mentioned before joined in Recharge Your Creative batteries.  Will be reading Julia Cameron's Vein of Gold and doing morning pages daily.   Plan to blog a bit more consistently and get caught up on book reviews. Have been reading lots of interesting books to share.   Which means I really should try to get up an hour early every day instead of sleeping in. Wish me luck on that, because hubby is a night owl.  Along with blogging  is the social media aspect that go along with it.  I'm more spontaneous when it comes to visiting other blogs, twitter, facebook, etc and can't really plan that so the goal is just to be more consistent. 

Exercise: Goal is to do the treadmill 4 times a week.

Lots of folks joining in this round. Off to say hi to a few.


  1. Nice effective goals, Robin. Consistency is a difficult thing to attain and a fragile thing to hold, but once you have it in hand it is more powerful than a bottled star. All the best for the coming week and round :)

  2. so glad you are rejoining us all this round - we will crack the whip:) seriously tho' good goals - I'm looking foward to nanao in Nov so must clear my decks also - we all keep each other on our toes:) best of luck

  3. I plan on doing my second nano in November too. Loved it last year and will hopefully have published book one out of the way, ready to get book 2 in order while writing book three during nano.

    Attainable goals here. Good luck Robin. X

  4. Glad you're back with us! Sounds like you have good attainable goals for the round. Good luck getting everything organized and moving along! Have a great week :D

  5. I really like these goals - they seem just right for a happy return...

    Here, I am the owl. Jim fallsasleep first and is up first, most of the time.

    I'll be gack to gently urge you along....

  6. Great goals, Robin! These sound like a great way to wrap up your current WIP and set the stage for something sparkly and new in Round 4. Can't wait to see how things go!

  7. (Okay, and that 'anonymous' comment above is mine -- I hit submit before I could enter in my name!)


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