Dare Challenge Surprise Prize!

Last year I took up Heather J. on a dare challenge and completed it in April.   I had totally forgotten about the prize part of the challenge: 
But if you succeed then I will send you a package of goodies including at least one book (plus lots of other stuff) AND I will dedicate an entire day to you on my blog – how’s THAT for a prize?!
I got so wrapped up in the fun of the challenge part it totally slipped my mind.  We had been emailing back and forth about the Mind Voyages challenges and she asked if I had read "Old Man's War."  I said nope,  not yet and made a mental note about getting it.  The other day Father calls me at work and said a package arrived for me from Heather.   Father never used to  pay too much attention to the mail, but since I started receiving review books, he enjoys opening the packages and checking out the books.  He wants to know if he could open this one.   Not this time, he'll have to wait until I get home.  

I opened up the package and squealed with delight to see:

I've been looking forward to reading "Beatrice and Virgil" since I read "Life of Pi" and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Plus "Old Man's War" for the Mind Voyages challenge.  I hadn't heard of "Bitter Night" or the author Diana Pharoah Francis but love paranormal / urban fantasy type books.  I've already finished it and look forward to reading more of her books.  Thanks to Heather I discovered a new to me author.  Plus she included some beautiful flowery and butterfly note cards which will come in handy.   And yesterday, I received the 2nd part of the surprise -  A day for Robin in which she highlights me and My Two Blessings.    Today, she has dedicated a post the other daree, her cousin Alex who blogs at One Day at a Time. You should check out her thoughts on the books and her Vlog and follow her blog.  I will be.  She's going to continue with the dare theme and work on some personal dares.   Sounds like an interesting idea.  

Thank you, Heather - you are awesome!


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed your package - I had a lot of fun putting it together for you!

  2. (oops, forgot to click subscribe when I posted my last comment!

  3. Oh my gosh, what a fun surprise! I don't let anyone open any of my bookish packages.

  4. That's a great package! I ended up getting Old Man's War via PBS because of Heather's review. It sounds so good.


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