Friday ponderings

Don't you just love this picture? Doesn't it make you wonder where the road leads and what type of adventure you'll find once you cross that bridge? It just fires up the imagination.

Our first day of May and it is cold and rainy. A fine day to while away the day inside. I spent the day typing up the 10 pages I wrote Wednesday afternoon, adding, editing and refining. I had planned on do it Wednesday night while Father was off for the evening, but it just didn't work out that way.

Of course, I had to take breaks to play with James and join in the fun of the Wii's Active Life Outdoor challenge. We rowed, jumped, skated, hopped and ran. You can work up a pretty good sweat with that thing.

I finally finished typing everything up and read through it. It flows... It makes more sense, the story has a true beginning and I'm breathing a sigh of relief. The adventure continues tomorrow....I'll see which direction Samantha decides to lead me.

There have been an interesting conversation going on over at Jody's On the Path regarding balancing our time between writing and blogging. Lady Glam got me thinking all about perspective and priorities, then Jody got me thinking about the balancing act.

I find the more I write, the less I blog and the more I blog the less I write. I have to find that balance between the two. I'm adding one more thing to my plate on Monday which is my Modern Fiction class. I'm truly looking forward to it. One more thing to add to the dance we call our life. Oh, I got a B in my Art History class - yeah me!

Every week, I used to write up a schedule what we needed to do each day of the week and post it on the wall. Then got out of the habit for a while. We need to go back to having that visual reminder - James and I do so much better with a list of things to do that we can refer to and check off. Father had a tendency to ignore it, but he's starting to learn that they actually work to your advantage. He's started making himself Pert Charts to help with his electronic design projects.

I remember my mom had a huge black board which was nailed to the wall in the kitchen of our home in Texas. She had everything written on that board - you have to be organized with 5 kids going hither and thither and yon. We grew up with schedules, which is probably why I like schedules. It's what I'm used too. So, we've come full circle back to making the schedule which should help us manage our time better.

Speaking of time, I have to make dinner. But before I do.

Today in History

1840 - England released the first 1st adhesive postage stamp

1841 - The 1st wagon train left Independence, Mo for California

1883 - "Buffalo Bill" Cody's first Wild West Show.

1931 - The Empire State Building was dedicated. (My parents were born this year so a very good year indeed.)

1941 - Cereal food "Cheerios" hit the store shelves. (My favorite cereal)

1951 - Slugger Mickey Mantle hit his first home run.

and last, but not least and very important: In 1952 Mr. Potato Head was introduced.

I also gained a few more followers in the past few days, which surprised the heck out of me this afternoon when I came online and I'm absolutely delighted. Glad you decided to join in. Welcome to our little corner of the world.


  1. Good luck with managing time! It's hard, I must admit!

  2. Very interesting thoughts here. I too think we need to set a time table for the week. It need not be rigid though.

    BTW, everything distils into reading is my new blog. Please do visit it, subscribe to it or follow it! Do help me spread the word.

  3. What a fun post! I agree that the picture just gets your mind wandering! I love it! I also am a fan of your "Today in history" list!

  4. Hi Michelle: Yes its challenging, but who doesn't love challenges. :)

    Hi Gautami: I'll be sure to mention your blog change on sunday salon. Our schedules are pretty flexible. It more a list of things to complete and a time frame to do it in during the day. My husband went to Hawaii years ago and the laid back lifestyle ruined him for life. He moves to his own beat and time. I've learned to be flexible and he's learn to be a little bit more aware of the time.

    Hi Janyece: Thanks and glad you love history. Welcome and thanks for following.

  5. Managing time is one of the hardest things I have to deal with. I do book reviews, so I have to read, but if I read too much, it cuts into my writing time and vice versa.

    Great post!

  6. I love bridges too and your thoughts were great on this. Glad that the writing is flowing for you. Balancing...should a hard thing to do. I found when my electric went out for 3 days that I read so much more. It made me realize how much time I spent on the computer. Trying to find a happy medium is hard. I love schedules!!! I like to make lists too!!!

  7. So funny, I didn't even realize you hang out at Jody's and LG's. LOL I saw your face on Rachelle Gardner's loop.
    This picture actually made me think of Anne of Green Gables, when she's riding down the road with Matthew, unsure of where she's going but hoping for the best.

  8. Congrats on the art history class and the story success. Good luck finding a balance in your writing enterprises! I think it's good that you both write and blog; the two spark each other, don't they? But it is hard to find that perfect balance.

    We do better with lists in my house, too. I grew up with a chalkboard; I have a whiteboard on my fridge now. :-)

  9. I've always loved covered bridges and this one does look an invitation to adventure.

    Good job on the writing, your new class, and your art history grade. {clapping!}

    I do find it difficult to blog, read, review, work full time, keep my house in order, and spend time with my husband. A schedule would be a real help. I may have to take stock.

  10. too much to do and too little time is a universal problem so it's kida nice to be reminded you're not the only one struggling to read, blog, & oh yes housework, kid taxi etc... (that's why I'm blogging at 2:25 AM) oh no! where did that time go!? It's gonna be a short night **sigh**

  11. (Now that my computer is done refusing to load this...)

    Congratulations on your art history! *huggles* ^-^

    Schedules are fun when you can stick to them, aren't they? I have huge problems with the sticking part myself (this is why, if I make to-do lists, I also plan in a 'catch-up' day or two. I know myself.), so I hope that it works much, much better for you and your family!

    I've noticed the same lack of balance in my blogging/writing/reading, really. So your post inspired me to try and take up making to-do lists again. Yesterday's was a pretty good success. Today's remains undone, so far. ^-~

  12. Managing Time! Whew! What's that?

    I love your "what happened on this day" list.


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