Deb poses an interesting question this week on Booking Through Thursday:
Which is worse?
Finding a book you love and then hating everything else you try by that author, or
Reading a completely disappointing book by an author that you love?
Reading a completely disappointing book by an author I love is more forgivable than discovering a new author and hating every book you read after the first one. If I love an author and there are many that I do, I'll overlook the disappointing book and continue. But if it becomes a trend, then they lose me. Not every story can be golden, but for some authors like Nora Roberts, Elizabeth Lowell, and Linda Howard, you just come to expect it. What a reputation to live up!
I've discovered a lot of new to me authors within the past year and nine times out of ten, their other books have been just as good. Then there is the one, you absolutely love the first one, the 2nd book you try is mediocre. But hey, you decide to give them another chance because that first book just really hit the mark and they are a really really popular author. And again you are disappointed. I think that's the point when I give up on them. It is sad, really. It makes you wonder what happened. Sorry, not going to ditz any authors and name names. We'll just leave it up to your imagination.
Are you disappointed when an author doesn't live up to the hype about them?
I know so sad when you find yourself not liking a book and gives up :(
ReplyDeleteI tend to be more disappointed by a favourite author if his/her book is a letdown, but that does not mean I'll stop reading future books either. ;)
ReplyDeleteI think it's worse to read a dud book by a favorite author. It's so disappointing! If a new-to-me author doesn't live up to my hopes, it's not so bad because I have fewer expectations.
ReplyDeleteI have the same opinion too. I love Nora Roberts, but I have been dissapointed by a couple of Nora Robert books but I still keep reading her because I know I am going to like the next.
ReplyDeleteit's an interesting question and the answer gives us a little insight into who each of us are. It would seem that some people are more forgiving than others, overlooking a mistep of a beloved author. While others can accept the one-hit-wonderness of a fluke, but not the let down from their favored one.
ReplyDeleteI think it's sad and makes me feel like I'm on the outside of the group if I don't think a particular author lives up to the hype.
Good answer! I feel the same way!
ReplyDeleteI definitely was disappointed by an author or two. You love that first book and then it goes down hill. Life is too short to read books you don't like.
ReplyDeleteI have about the same routine, and I feel like you about disappointments when reading.
ReplyDeleteYes, I've been in that boat before, and it's really hard for me. I'm a very slow reader, and oftentimes being disappointed by an author is difficult for my time an sanity. I try and take away something useful, though, like learning what didn't work and not make that same mistake in my own writing.
ReplyDeleteI more forgiving of a favortie author too! They can't always be great. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't want to be in that situation myself someday. I don't want to end up being a one book author. I want every book I write to be continually better than the previous. But I'm sure that is so difficult!
ReplyDeleteI find it a difficult question. Once my expectations are built up, I hate to go tumbling down. But you're right about how an author who's tallied up a number of great books deserves some slack! :-)
ReplyDeleteI am more disappointed by a favorite author than with one that I have just discovered although I more likely to forgive a favorite.
ReplyDeleteWhat matters to me is whether I'll venture into another book of a new author. It's about building the credit.
ReplyDeleteI'm extra cautious about reading another if the author is not good in my book. At least I wouldn't buy it but borrow it.
True, not every story can be golden. Some books may appeal more to others.
ReplyDeleteWell said!! I feel much the same way about my favorites where I'll forgive them once or twice but after that I sometimes will abandon them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing everybody. I was offline thursday, so will be wandering by soon to see your thoughts on BTT. :)