Dewey's Read A Thon

Dewey's Read A Thon
April 18, 2009

In 2007 Dewey of The Hidden Side of the Leaf began the Read A Thon. This year in honor of Dewey, Nymeth, Trish, and Hannah are continuing the tradition of the 24 hour read a thon. Dewey's Read A Thon begins April 18 at 1 GMT which means for those of us in California, that is 5:00 A.M. You can join just for the pure challenge of it or donate to a charity of your choice for each book read. Last year I was an unofficial cheerleader and would have loved to sign up, but wasn't willing to stay up for 24 hours reading.

This year, I signed up to be a reader and if, that's a big if, I get my Art History Final done tomorrow, then I'll be free to join in.

What will the role of the reader be:

People who sign up to be readers are committing to reading books, posting updates in their blogs, participating in mini-challenges when they choose to, and, if they need breaks, visiting the blogs of other readers and encouraging them. The most hardcore among us will stay up the entire 24 hours and do nothing but read and update, even going so far as to skip showering and eat meals while reading. However, not all of us are that hardcore, and it’s OK for you to customize this read-a-thon to meet your needs. All I ask is that you be honest in your updates, and that’s about the only rule for readers.

I probably won't stay up the whole 24 hours since I do need my sleep, plus I have to work at the shop on Saturday from 11:00 to 3:00. I'll probably bring along a couple books and read between customers and phone calls. And my family isn't going to exactly appreciate being ignored so they will need some attention. I'm going to do my darnedest though and will be coming up with a list of books will be reading during that period of time. During the Read A Thon, I'll be updating my blog periodically with books reading, how many pages, etc. Check out the website and join in the fun. Right now there are 147 people participating as readers.


  1. So happy to hear you're joining in! At least you'll get to participate in the fun, at least for a little while! =)

  2. I love your approach of participating but fitting in family and work. I really want to go for the whole 24 hours but I am keeping myself flexible as well. Good luck and happy reading.

  3. Sounds fun. I like the challenge!

  4. This will be my first time participating and I'm really looking forward to it. I have the entire day to myself and it is suppose to be 70 degrees out!!! So I'll be outside reading and watching the dog and cat be crazy!!

  5. When I brought it up to my husband this morning, he just looked at me and said "I don't have to read too,do I?" I thought he would think I was nuts, but no. He's a keeper.

  6. Good luuck, Robin! And tailoring the read-a-thon to your needs is definitely the right approach.

  7. That is great you will be joining in, even if it is for a little bit!! I will be reading right along with you...should be fun!!

  8. Good for you! I think I'll just be cheering you all on.

  9. I'll be cheering you on, too. Your approach sounds doable. I'd never last as a hardcore participant -- I would need buckets of coffee to stay awake reading for 24 hours! :-)

  10. I'm joining in too and we'll have to cheer each other on. I, too, like your approach. My goal is to just read as much as possible. Things like family and sleep will interrupt and that's okay. Happy reading.

  11. Yay!! I'm thrilled. This is my first time doing the read-a-thon too!


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