We accomplished quite a bit this week. I changed when we do some lessons and James and I will be working on some stuff together everyday after breakfast, including the days I go to work. Daddy days will be reserved for math, cursive, english handouts follow up and science stuff.
Faith: We started Explorer's Bible Study Discovery and studying Genesis using In The Beginning: Genesis. We completed Lesson 1 which gave a general overview of Genesis. James and I will be working on this every morning after breakfast.
Voyages in English: We continued with Unit 4:Verbs and completed 4.8 writing the correct forms of Take, Tear and Write; 4.9 Simple present tense; 4.10 Simple past tense and 4.11 future tense with will. On his daddy days, James completed the worksheets on his own for take, tear and write; simple present tense and simple past tense. He did pretty well working on his own
Spelling: Completed lesson 15 suffixes added to root words.
Cursive: Completed tow truck connections for i, r, e, s, more review and mastery and translating from print to cursive. James was a little slow translating but managed quite well.
Writing: Started Writing with Ease and completed week 1
Day 1: Read Owl and the Grasshopper and James narrated "The grasshopper was making too much noise and keeping the owl awake. She invited him to have wine, then she ate him."
Day 2: He copied "Do not let flattery throw you off your guard against an enemy." James likes to write everything in capitals, so this was a little slow going since I am requiring him to write properly using lowercase letters and correct punctuation.
Day 3: Dictation - dictated same sentence and he did very well only needing to hear it twice.
Day 4: Narration and Dictation: Read the Fox and the Stork. He had a harder time coming up with a two sentence summary so explained more about active listening and how to summarize. He finally came up with a two sentence summary and took dictation while I narrated the first sentence. James and I will be working on Writing with ease everyday after Bible study.
Math: Finished the last 5 lessons in the kumon subtraction book and James is doing an excellent job. By jove, I think he's got it. At least, he does until we hit the next wall. We are going to start adding in some double digit addition and subtraction, plus some multiplication.
Science: In chemistry read about Burning Reactions. In Archimedes read chapter 8 - the measurement of a circle and chapter 9 - Archimedes and numbers. In Periodic Table - Elements with Style read about group 3 Boron Elements.
Cub Scouts: James memorized the cub scout motto, laws of the pack, meaning of webelos; practiced and mastered how to do the cub scout sign, handshake and salute. Father and I both read the pamphlet "how to protect your children from child abuse" and discussed with James. It wasn't as hard as we thought. We had already discussed many safety issues with him and he basically knew what to do.
James had a good time at the cub scout meeting on Tuesday and the den mother was able to sign off on half of the bob cat trail items. Next tuesday, he should be earning his bob cat badge. Today Father is working on bear trail items with James so he can earn some WII time.
Our no technology week went very well and James attention span improved. I think we are going to continue with no Wii during the week and he will be allowed to play Wii friday afternoons and be allowed two hours tech time Saturday and Sundays. I stayed off the internet during the week except for business or school purposes and a few minutes during my lunchtime at work. I didn't accomplish much writing this week, nor have time to join in any weekly meme's or write much on my blog.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Father will be ready to resume handling the business again after his doctor's check up on the 3rd and I can go back to my regular two day a week work schedule. With working 3 days a week and rotating saturdays at the shop, I haven't had much time to work on writing at all. I'm starting to get burned out after being 100% responsible for the business and everything else for the past two months. When the cats wake me up at 6:30 now, I am throwing them outside so I can go back to sleep for a couple hours. But, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's getting closer.
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