Not So Wordless Wednesday

Last year when we were in New York, Father took a million street scene pictures of buildings, things, and people. We were taken by the shot of this woman and her girls. We come back to it time and again when looking at our pictures. One daughter racing ahead, another lagging behind and the littlest looking like she wants to go in another direction.

Is she a tourist or a new yorker going about her day?

What does the look on her face say to you?

Determination, acceptance, just another day, off in a fog or something else.


  1. Excellent street shot! You really do feel as if there were a story behind it.

  2. That's a great portrait of a family. I love how the children are so animated and Mom is just going with the flow.

  3. looks like my life and that woman could be my mother, the older daughter - me.

    Happy WW. Check out my Scenes of Autumn and Vote for me. I’m a finalist in a Blogging Scholarship. Visit this link and select Danielle Lee.

    Thank You very much.

  4. Oh, that is a great slice of life image. :)

  5. I like how much life there is in the photo. Happy WW.

  6. Mmm... I'd guess she's thinking: "Just another day in paradise."

    But that's just me.

  7. Very nice candid shot - it does capture a range of feelings. Good job!

  8. Interesting shot! :)

    PS. yes it was a chipmunk

  9. Hey. I didn't know you were here...

    Love the photo. Wish my brain would engage and come up with a catchy caption, BUT it's all pooped out writing turkey limericks at someone other blog.

  10. I don't know what that robot is from it was at a childrens museum with an attraction about building robots I love your pic I know how that mom feels with 4 of my own LOL

  11. Well, if we are voting I will vote for determination. She is thinking "I will go my way and so will these kids."
    Happy WW! Thank you for your visit and nice comments. No, I wouldn't use the MacD's delivery just like I don't use the pizza delivery service.

  12. Well, her kids look very happy. Maybe she's taking them to a museum or maybe they are vacationing, whatever they're doing mom looks content and kids look happy and excited.

  13. Thanks for your kind comment and your vote. it really is so nice. Thank you.

    Hmm... wouldn't it be something if that family somehow stumbled on your blog and told the story themselves? That'd be cool. ;)


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