James Reading Challenge

He did it!

James wanted to get King Kong versus Godzilla. So, I made the agreement with him that if he read 20 books he would earn it. The books had to be chapter books or difficult reads, not easy readers. He read the following books, most of them out loud to me during the day or at bedtime.

  1. Star Wars Empire Strikes Back (junior novelization)
  2. Star Wars New Hope (junior novelization)
  3. Star Wars Return of the Jedi (junior novelization)
  4. Star Wars Phantom Menace (junior novelization)
  5. Star Wars Attack of the Clones (junior novelization)
  6. Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (junior novelization)
  7. Star Wars Epic Battles
  8. The Story of Darth Vader
  9. The Little Red Train Storybook
  10. The Adventures of Diego Columbus
  11. Winnie the Pooh original adventures
  12. Lion King
  13. Toy Story
  14. The Magic Tree House #1 Dinosaurs before Dark
  15. The Magic Tree House #2 Knights before Dawn
  16. The Magic Tree House #3 Mummies in the Morning
  17. The Magic Tree House #4 Pirates Past Noon
  18. Return of the 3rd Grade Ghost Hunters
  19. Flat Stanley
  20. Frog Wars: lessons in perseverance (veggie tales star wars story)

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