James came into this world rather dramatically at 4:00 a.m. in the morning August 5th, 1999. He arrived via a c-section after a rather tiring 36 hour complication filled labor. He was fiesty and as all the nicu nurses said
"He goes from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds"
Our life has been filled with 0 to 60 moments -- happiness, sadness, talking, crying, laughter, fighting, discovery and play.
He is a combination of Father and I with all our best traits and yes, even our worst. We have learned much about ourselves and life as seen through the eyes of a child.
As our adventure continues, taking us God knows where, all I can say is
He is a combination of Father and I with all our best traits and yes, even our worst. We have learned much about ourselves and life as seen through the eyes of a child.
As our adventure continues, taking us God knows where, all I can say is
Happy Birthday James! I love you, my wonderful child
Love the pictures!!! Especially the one at age three which conveys such innocence and wide-eyed wonder. Tell James, Happy Birthday from Aunt Karen and Uncle Gary!! Also, a few kisses and hugs and maybe a few tickles too!!!