Bookish Notes - Depressing reads and clearing your palate


Welp! Well The Sworn Virgin was a completely depressing read, full of angst and family feuds and honor killings.  Not a necessarily happy ending, just a moving on and hope things get better.   Clearing my palate with a reread of Nora Robert's McGregor family series - Playing the Odds.  

Today I'm trying to reinvent the wheel and creating a graphic file for the screen print on hubby's latest amplifier  We lost our screen printer person and can't find another locally at the moment.  Once I've got this thing recreated, can email the file off to a printer who can create the chassis labels.  They want a vector graphic file (a what?) and oh by the way, they say to use Corel draw or adobe, neither one of which I'm familiar.  So working it up first in Microsoft Publisher to get all the measurements correct, then maybe I'll be able to export it into something usable for them.  So much fun. 

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