BW13: Sunday's Book Babble - Clio, Daughter of Mnemosyne

Clio, Muse of History

It's book week 13 in our 52 Books quest and this week is all about the daughter of Mnemosyne, Clio, the muse of history. 

I finished reading Thea Harrison's Elder Races series, (except for the novella's) which I thoroughly enjoyed and want to read again.  The setting reminds me of the Guild Hunter series in which the main setting is New York and they live in a high tower, but there aren't any angels involved.  Dragons, Gryphons, Elves, and Vampyres sets it apart. 

  1. Dragon Bound 
  2. Storm's Heart
  3. Serpents Kiss 
  4. Oracle's Moon
  5. Lord's Fall
  6. The Wicked
  7. Kinked
  8. Night's Honour 
  9. Midnight's Kiss 
  10. Shadow's End 

For my historical fiction read this week, I dove into The Duke and I, the first Bridgerton story and thoroughly enjoying it. Will probably continue to read the series. Also watched the first episode of Bridgerton on Netflix which is equally good. 

Took a break from Monte Cristo and will get back into this week. 

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