2015 Reading Plans

As we all know, reading plans as well as buying bans often go astray.  I have more than enough books in my stacks, that I could probably get away without buys any new books this year at all.  *gasp* The horror!  Excuse me while I have heart palpitations.   

Okay. I came up with some Author Flavors of the Month and Reading Themes over on 52 Books purely for selfish reasons.  I have those authors on my shelves and need incentive to read them.  The little shelfie above will change in a month or so and it doesn't matter whether those particular books have been read or not.  It will depend on my mood.  Yep, I'm a big mood reader. However, I am in the mood at this point of the year for stories that challenge me a bit more than just paranormal or urban fantasies. My fall back books when I'm stressed or bummed.   But I also realize I have eyes/stomach syndrome so giving myself a break by going with 3/5/15.   I've been perusing the shelves and discovered I have many, many nonfiction books just waiting to be read.   So the majority of my categories will be nonfiction. 

My plan (as of this moment) is 


Isabel Allende - The House of the Spirits  (Spanish)
Mircea Cararescu  - Blinding  (Romania)
Halldor Laxness - The Great Weaver of Kashmir (Iceland)


Taylor Caldwell – Dear and Glorious Physician (also a chunky and part of study of Luke)
Sharon Kay Penman – The Reckoning
Bodie Thoene – Eleventh Guest


Mark Helprin -  A Soldier of the Great War (Rome 860)
Umberto Eco – Foucault’s Pendulum (Italy 623)
Vikram Seth - The Suitable Boy (India 1474)
Diana Gabaldon – Voyager (1059)  (bonus) 

Study of Luke:

Luke’s Story – Tim LaHaye (fiction – eb)
Luke: The Gospel of Amazement – Michael Card (NF)
Navarre Bible: St Luke (NF)


The Cave and the Light – Arthur Herman
Purgatorio – Dante
Essays – Michel De Montaigne

Plus I've fallen deeply in like with Thomas Merton and while I have The Book on Hours on my bedside stand I also plan on delving into The Way of Chuang Tzu and The Ascent of Man.

Currently up on plate is Haruki Murakami's Hard Boiled Wonderland, along with Susan Wise Bauer's History of the Medieval World which will be a year long read.  

What are your grand plans for the year?  More fiction or non fiction, book or author study or just trip the light fantastic and go where the muse leads you?  


  1. You sound so organized! I'm winging it, as always. Well, work is organized, everything else ... oops!

    1. I try, but also allow for surprises, moods and the oops!

  2. What a wonderful selection of books and great plan! I'm doing books that correspond to the Spiritual Practices from A to Z that I'll be doing this year. Am looking forward to a completely different direction than I took last year in terms of what I read.

    1. What a great idea. Looking forward to seeing which books you choose.

  3. What a great plan!

    I have a massive history of science project going and it will keep me reading for a long time. And classics to keep up with the kids' schoolwork and popular works to keep up with everything else they are reading. So no plan, just a few themes.


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