Random Post to ponder -- F is for Final. Oh My!

F is for final and not G for Green as I intended.  I don't have time to write my review on Green by Ted Dekker for today because my Short Stories Final is due by the end of the day Sunday.  I have 5 short essays to write and I planned on starting it today.  But....  You ever notice how decluttering sometimes becomes a priority and you just have to clean off the desk.  I can't work in clutter.   Then my husband was complaining about running out of clean socks and I checked out his drawer. Ended up cleaning out the drawer, then two and before you know it, you've run out of time.   Between lessons and the vet and laundry and just stuff, my day sort of disappeared. One time saver I implemented long ago.  White tube socks for everyone. Just sort by size and don't have to worry about pairs.

Amidst the stuff, I've been pondering something, prompted by The Artist's Way, of course. One of the tasks in week one -  Imaginary lives.  If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do in each of them?  When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a nurse, doctor, cowgirl, truck driver, or a ballerina.   Typical little girl dreams, you think.  The caveat was to not overthink the exercise and just go with it.   I couldn't limit myself to five and just keep writing and came up with some interesting lives:

Irish Pub owner
 Book store owner
 Yacht Ship Captain
Zoo Keeper
European Tour Guide 
Museum Curator

Do we see a pattern in there somewhere.   I think I was to be an ....ist of some kind.  The first five are my top choices.  We did just acquire a Yamaha Keyboard and I ordered some books to teach myself, then James how to play. I took lessons way back when I was in 5th grade.  Figured if James enjoyed it, then would pursue getting formal lessons. For now, we'll keep it fun.   Funnily, had decided to relearn the piano before reading about the task. Part of the task includes picking one of the things on your list and doing something about it.  So I'm learning to play the piano.  I think my grandma up in heaven will be pleased.  I remember the summer I stayed with her when I was 15 and I tortured her, fooling around with her baby grand.  

How about you?  If you had five other lives to lead, what would they be? 


  1. Difficult question. I don't know what else I'd want to be. I used to think I wanted to own a restaurant, but the realities of that business are daunting.Plus, I've been self-employed too long to want anything required strict opening/closing times. I guess whatever I picked I still be working for me, I still would have no employees, I still would work from home ....

  2. I loved all of your choices...hmmm...not sure what I would be.....definitely something to do with people, I love the idea of owning an old Victorian house and having each room a different genre. Cats would be sleeping in various places with a coffee/soup/sandwich bar in a huge living area with a roaring fireplace. I want to be a bookstore owner and know that I could always keep my doors open.

  3. What a provocative idea? I think I'd be a librarian/bookstore owner. Something that revolves around books.

    I'm starting The Artist's Way in a week...how do you like it?

  4. @Beth - Yep, once been self employed its so hard to go back to anything else.

    @Staci - That's sound so wonderful, warm and cozy.

    @Skylar -books definitely. Artist's way is awesome so far, really getting a lot out of it.


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