Sunday Salon: A Nocturnal Upon Autumn

I have something special for you today.   My brother is Baron of Erud Sul in the Kingdom of Atenveldt for the Society of Creative Anachronism.  The kingdom recently had it's first Arts and Science Competition.  He won in the Novice Division for Performing Arts and for Writing.   Below is the poem he wrote for the competition.

A Nocturnal Upon Autumn


Baron Christopher Fitzarthur
Aka Chris Walsh

On the first of Autumn, in fading light,
I gazed upon one tree in a wood,
Pondering seasons it withstood,
Before we both succumbed to night.
Inside it, is Spring;
The sap of youth marked in concentric rings.
The precious fruits borne of blossoms past cling
To boughs which remember stretching forth,
Seeking possibilities of endless worth.

In the trees deep roots and branches strong,
I see the growth of a good Summer spent.
Still in the air, a clinging scent
Of those days nurturing and long.
Beneath its wide crown
Flowers and saplings enrich the dark ground.
Shielded from harm when storms thunder down,
New growth flourishes beneath, unaware
Of the scars their shelter willingly bears.

Yet here a leaf is turning to shining gold,
Here the brilliant red of a burning fire.
This tree, it appears, cannot tire
Wearing a leafy mask so bold.
And while still I could,
I gazed upon that tree in a wood,
that years and storms have withstood.
As Autumn has finally come to stay,
Never again shall we see a Summer day.

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