GO BIG or GO HOME! Plus a little contest

Go Big or Go Home
Say YES!!!!

Motivation and Commitment... two things I've been working on when it comes to writing.   Have you ever stood at the bottom of what seemed like a simple looking staircase.  Looks are deceiving sometimes and the staircase you chose to walk up becomes endless with multiple landings.  You can only climb so far, then you need to stop and rest.   I'm at one of those landings, looking down, looking up, contemplating how far I've walked so far.  Will I reach the top?  Do I have the motivation, the commitment to keep climbing....    I'm trying. 

I've been following quite a few aspiring and published authors for a while now and every time I read one of their inspiring posts, it spurs me up a few more steps.  Today, it is Christine who has helped light a fire under my butt. Occasionally I need a spark or two.    She talks about being consciously committed to your writing and persevering. She quotes Christina Katz - The Prosperous Writer who says:

…commitment reminds us of what is really important. It grants us space to screw up. To say the wrong thing. To have a fight that doesn’t end in divorce. To be ourselves. To express ourselves. To reveal ourselves. And perhaps most importantly, to trust ourselves.

So Christina asks:

Are you committed to improving the craft of writing?
Are you committed to learning the business of writing?
Are you committed to growing your platform in whatever way is most productive for you?
Are you committed to continuing to grow no matter what happens – what failures occur, what fights with your muse you have – are you still committed?
If you can shout YES to the above, then you are seriously ready to go for it!

And to provide a little bit of extra motivation, Christina is having a contest to reward those who are ready to go for it and shout Yes.  Leave a comment on her blog, earn a few extra points by blogging, tweeting,  and spreading the love and enter to win a $20 Barnes and Noble gift certificate and a 10 page critique. 

Are you ready - cover your ears....


Life is full of commitments and very busy what with taking care of our household, my husband, our son, our business, home schooling, etc.   But this is one thing that is totally me - all for me and no one else.  It totally belongs to me.  It is a commitment to me.  I know I've probably said this before, but it bears repeating and have to keep reminding myself.   This is for me.  Just like my Liberal Arts degree, because I want the satisfaction of finishing it and besides, I'm enjoying learning.  Since I have two classes left, I've been giving more thought about what I'll do when I'm done and more thought about writing goals.  And you know, writing is very much an educational process...in more ways than one.  So, yes I am committing to writing - setting goals, learning and growing and enjoying the process.  

Contest ends Sunday, June 6 so head on over to Christine's, find out more, blog about it, tweet about it, shout about it.    Loudly! 


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