BBAW - Blogger Spotlight

There are many neat things happening in the book blogosphere this week. Be sure to check out today's scavenger hunts and get to know some of the nominees for best cultural reviews and best general review.

Congratulations to Ann from Books on the Nightstand for winning Most Eclectic Taste.

Today's meme is all about spotlighting those bloggers who weren't on the shortlist

What book blogs mean something to you? Who are your most trusted sources for recommendations, your greatest help, the blogger you turn to for a laugh or to vent? Whose writing do you admire or who introduced you to a whole new genre you didn’t know about? We want to hear all about them…because we want to know them too! Please share about the blogs we haven’t had a chance to meet via BBAW and let the party begin!

There are so many great bloggers, interesting, chatty and educational, intellectual and humorous. There are the Extroverts who love to talk and then there are those who like to blog, but true to their Introvert natures, like to stay in the background. All those blogs you see in my blogroll in the side bar. Each has taught me something new, introduced me to books I would have never read and expanded my mind. I love the dickens out of each and every one of you. You each bring something unique to the table and I appreciate that and thank you for being you.

I have quite a few other bloggers in my blogroll including a few group author blogs. Where would we be without the authors. No books and then what would we have to talk about.

My thanks goes out to those blogs of authors who have introduced me to books I didn't even now existed.

Murderati: includes authors Pari Noskin Taichert, Louise Ure, Allison Brennan, Tess Gerritsen, Alexandra Sokoloff, J.D. Rhoades, J.T. Ellison, Robert Gregory Browne, and Toni McGee Causey.

Running with Quills: includes authors Susan Andersen, Stella Cameron, Kate Douglas, Lori Foster, Jayne Ann Krentz and Elizabeth Lowell.

Riding with the Top Down: include authors Kathleen Eagle, Christie Ridgway, Cindy Gerard, Debra Dixon, Lois Greiman, Helen Brenna.

I've been working my way through reading all their books and haven't been disappointed.

Your task for today - Thank an author today.

What about you? Any bloggers you think I should check out?


  1. Those look like good recommendations. I like The Literary Lab for writing advice and the Innocent Flower. Tess Hilmo for advice and laughs. Beth Revis for book reviews. Natalie from Between fact and fiction for laughs and advice.

  2. I love your idea Robin. After all, we would hardly be book bloggers if it weren't for the authors. I'm going to mention that on my blog sometime this week. Earlier this year you introduced me to Murderati which I do enjoy. I'm glad to be introduced to the other two that are new to me. I recognize so many of my favorites at Running with Quills that I'm going over there right now.

  3. Running with Quills is a cool site!! heck, they all are!!


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