Booking through Thursday - Worst Best Book

Today's Booking Through Thursday brought to you by Janet:

How about, “What’s the worst ‘best’ book you’ve ever read — the one everyone says is so great, but you can’t figure out why?”

The worst "best" book I read was "Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West" by Gregory Maguire. I had read many reviews about how wonderful the book was and you just have to read it. There were many, many Amazon reviews (616 5 star reviews so far) that said it was


"Wickedly Brilliant"


Well you get the picture. Wicked was totally dark and morbid and found myself reading only a few chapters at a time, then giving up my reading time to browse the blogs. It wasn't bad enough for me to give up reading the book. I wanted to get through the story, even though I pretty much knew how it ended. Don't know why I expected a story about the wicked witch of the west to be a light read, but I did. It wasn't until after reading the story and having to force myself to finish it, that I discovered the folks who didn't like it.

I can't think of any other "best" books at the moment, but sure some will come to mind when I read other Booking through Thursdays "worst - best" posts.

What was your "Worst - Best" Book?


  1. Ok now that is a book I don't want to read.. thanks for the wicked warning *grin* !!

  2. No, I don't think I'd like that one either. :)

  3. I just haven't been tempted to read this. Friends and family have recommended it but I just don't want to!

  4. I hate it too when I waste my valuable reading time on a bad book but even worse when it's been so highly recommended. This is one book I can pass up.

  5. Dan Brown. I don't even have to think about it.

  6. I have a vopy but when I picked it up and read a few pages I wondered why I bought it. It looks like an interesting concept badly executed.

  7. I've heard mixed reviews, so I'm not surprise to find that you didn't like it. I have it on audio, but haven't listened yet.

  8. Ugh, I have been led astray by Amazon ratings many a time, so I can understand your frustration here!

  9. I can't believe I forced myself to finish this book..hated it!! I absolutely do not understand all of the hype surrounding it. Great post and one that I totally agree with your thoughts!

  10. I have not read it and have no desire to do so.

  11. I forgot about this one until I saw your post. I hated it too! I couldn't even finish it. I almost felt guilty putting it down, because it came so highly recommended that I thought maybe I was the problem, not the book...


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