Wordless Wednesday

Keepers of the Wild Animal Sanctuary

Just a few pictures from our trip back in October


  1. Looking at that tiger I'm reminded of the live-action version of The Jungle Book where the Englishman asks Mowgli why the tiger is "looking at him that way". To which Mowgli answers, "Because when he looks at you, he sees food."

    Nice collection!

  2. Cool shots! I haven't been to the zoo in a long time. I've always loved tigers.

  3. You know, the ostrich is kind of cute, in a so-ugly-he's-beautiful kind of way.

    Tink *~*~*
    NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* : Which Way Do You Look?

  4. I hope you had a good zoom for those tiger and lion pics! :) Great shots! Thanks for stopping by today and happy WW!

  5. Cool shots. The ostrich is cute :). "How many are Your works, O Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures." Psalm 104:24

    Thanks for your kind comment on my photo blog.

  6. Animal places are so much fun! Love the cat captures, very nice!

  7. "Hello, my name is Ostrich!" LOL. I love the pics.

    I took some ostrich pics in my Bird Park series. :)


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