Buying Books for the Holidays

I'll admit it - I'm an a Bibliophile, a lover of all things books. So, when I heard the publishing and book industry is having troubles due to the economic downturn, I decided to do my part. So, don't be surprised if you get books for Christmas or birthdays or anniversaries or just because.

Amy over at My Friend Amy started a campaign to encourage people to buy books for the holidays. Check out the blog she created aptly called Buy Books for the Holidays.

I was very surprised to hear about Borders having troubles and thinking of selling itself in order to maintain business. They have since managed to reduce their debt somewhat and make changes that will enable them to continue operations. Barnes and Nobles reduced their inventory by setting all the books facing outward on the shelves. I went into the store here while they were in the midst of this change in November. The store was in chaos, but I have to say the employees were trying to be polite. Especially with everyone, including myself asking "where can I find this book?" I returned a few days ago and they had finished, but the shelves looked strangely bare with all the books turned outward and about a hand space between each book.

In the publishing industry, there has been news of the publishers reorganizing or laying off employees and heads of divisions resigning to go on to 'other things.'

And when you do buy a book, head on over to Buy More Books and let them know. The goal is not only to get people to buy more books, but to reach the goal of one million. Buy More Books is the brainchild of Karen Dionne, a cofounder of Backspace, which is an online international writers organization.

James and I are doing our part today and heading off today to Borders to buy some Christmas presents and get a few non fiction books for Father.

A love of books, of holding a book, turning its pages, looking at its pictures, and living its fascinating stories goes hand-in-hand with a love of learning."
Laura Bush

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