Novel Challenges

Novel Challenges

I have one book left to read for the Fall Reading Challenge which is Nora Robert's Pagan Stone. It's being released on November 25th and once I finished that. Voila, I will be done with the Challenge. So now I'm looking ahead to 2009 and the various challenges coming up.

I have decided to do the following challenges:

Read and Review Challenge hosted by MizB which is basically everything you read, you review.

Christian Readers Challenge also hosted by MizB which runs from Jan through April.

Pub Challenge hosted by One More Chapter in which you read books published in 2009. These books will apply to the other challenges.

Romance Reading Challenge hosted by Bookworm in which you read at least 5 books in the romance genre. I'll be posting more about this one later.

Martel Harper Challenge which runs perpetually and hosted by Dewey at Hidden Side of the Leaf.

100+ Reading Challenge hosted by J.Kaye's Book Blog. I know I have read more than 100 books this year, so sure will complete at least that many next year. Will be creating a post about this one later in order to list and track the number of books read.

Along the way, I'll probably find other challenges to join. I'm considering a personal nonfiction challenge since I bought several non fiction books and they have been sitting neglected in the bottom of my night stand. If I list them, then I have to read them, don't I?

"The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries." Rene Descartes


  1. I think I'm up to 14 challenges. Most run all of next year. I think I may be over doing it, but I'm also not going to consider myself a failure if I don't complete some of them. =)


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