James Schedule

Click on the schedule to make it bigger and more readable. Yes, we do have some repeats this week. Last week got thrown off kilter for various reasons and some things just didn't get completed. Life happens and we adjust....James spent a lot of time working on Jumpstart Second Grade computer program, having fun and learning at the same time. We are slowly getting our groove back after an extended vacation. Daddy days are a big lighter and easier and James and I do Devotions and Gods Q Force together in the mornings.

1 comment:

  1. See those Japanese days of the week reminded me that I hadn't looked at Before You Know It Lite (I had Latin on my computer for a long time, but haven't used it). I just checked and the colors I've been teaching are the same that they have with the exception of pink! Optime! :)
    Enjoy the week!


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