Question of the Day: What are you doing today?

10 things I should be doing right now!

Oh, any number of things. I should be fixing dinner, but set the timer for 30 minutes. Then will cook some French fries for James and heat up left over from the barbecue from yesterday. J loaded me up with food when we left, so I don’t have to actually fix dinner tonight.

Reading Chapter 9 about realistic fiction for my literature class, but uh uh!
Researching The Giver and analytical theory. Wait! I printed off a bunch of information. Does that count.

Cutting James hair but that can wait until tomorrow.

Cutting my hair but that can also wait until tomorrow and I will only have one hairy mess to clean up.
Reviewing James 2nd grade curriculum and putting together schedules.

Outside sanding down the eucalyptus bench so we can stain it, but the bees decided they wanted to use it more than me.
I could continue to read “The Island of Lost Maps” but taking a break from cartographic history.

Putting a forgotten load of laundry in the dryer. Just now remembered putting it in a couple hours ago.

Cleaning up my front Garden area and getting rid of the dormant plants.

So what should you be doing right now?

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