All-Star Superman -James. M's Review


Been some time since I covered something related to DC. Well, after going to the local comic book store recently, I got something that is worth a review. This is All-Star Superman, written in the 2000s, and said to be an influence behind James Gunn's Superman movie that is set to release in July of 2025 as of this writing.

As you all know, Superman has been one of DC's top superhero characters for decades, with many iconic stories under his belt. All-Star Superman is no exception, and I see how so many people love it. I read this for myself, and the story is incredible, just as the art is beautiful to the max. To make a long story short, the storyline sees Superman suffering from overexposure to the sun's energies, and, with the time he has left before he dies, he works to accomplish as much superhero work as possible. I won't spoil it, just in case you never read the comic, but this one is fantastic.

Grant Morrison pens All-Star Superman, and his writing is really impressive, you can tell so much effort was put into making this story and the dynamic between Kal-El and Lois Lane is one of the major highlights here. I love this so much, I wouldn't mind reading it again at some point. All twelve issues are gripping, and you feel for Superman with the state he's in. Even when he's dying, he never gives up being a hero, and he will always help someone in need. 

That's all I got to say, folks. Take care, and help others whenever you can.

-James M

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