Besides family, healthy, and business goals, 2025 will be my year of discovery:
I want to brush up on Spanish again and learn another language, but haven’t decided yet on which one, so I appreciate the person who turned me on to to duolingo.
Improve upon drawing and possibly learn how to paint.
Read Thomas Merton and associated books related to faith. I just found a great NoteWorthy New Testament: Read and Journal Through the New Testament in a Year which I can write in through Thomas Nelson website. I’ve always avoided writing in my bibles but this one is made for it so fits me to a t. I’d completely forgotten about Thomas Nelson so thanks to the ladies of life and liturgy for reminding me of them.
Keep My Two Blessings up to date as well as continue 52 Books challenge.
To that end I went a little bit notebook crazy in the past couple months but managing to write in them all. I lost my mojo for story writing this past year, and hope all this creativity and writing in my journals will spark my story writing bug again. Meanwhile I’m going to have fun.
I’m continuing with the catch all/morning pages/grumbles, and started different journals for Story of Me, common place book for quotes and things discovered, junk journal, book reviews – separate ones for fiction, and nonfiction, Thomas Merton, and I’m sure there is something I’m forgetting. Oh yes, dragons, poetry and story writing. This is instead of doom scrolling. If I go online, it’s for a purpose.
And last but not least, I have my 10 x 10 goals for 52 Books which included reading Les Miserable but I’ll list the categories later, after 2024 wrap up. I’ll keep track of the bingo and spelling challenges, as well as the a to z and back again in my journal, plus writing reviews which I’ll transfer a censored version here or maybe not. I can put a spoiler warning in the header. Found writing in the journal, I can say a heck of a lot more than I have been on the blog because I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers. And it might make for more interesting conversations in L&L's book nook’s weekly threads because it helps me remember more.
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