Happy Sunday! I am quite proud of myself although it's only been four days. I've automatically, without help of the alarm, woken up an hour early every day. Except for today of course. I have spent at least 10 minutes daily working on the first scene in Chapter one. I'm ready to type it up and move on to the next scene. Yesterday I had been thinking that since it had only been four days and the month started midweek, I should give myself extra time and continue to work on that one scene for this week. However, I'm ready to move on. Hubby's been quite useful as a sounding board, bouncing ideas off of him. He's being quite encouraging.
So the goal for this week is to review and rewrite Scene 2 from Greg's point of view, plus write and schedule posts for this week. I'm almost caught up with my book reviews, have three more to write and then I'll schedule them for the coming weeks.
James and I are going out this afternoon for our annual Super Bowl Shopping trip. It became a tradition when our wonderful neighbor starting putting off an air horn every time his favorite team made a touchdown. Drives both of us up the wall. We have fun going to the comic book store, Barnes and Noble, and picking up something for dinner. My book buying ban is still in force (which a friend quickly reminded me of when she heard about our shopping trip) so I'm going to try and resist temptation. Maybe I'll pick up a book for Hubby. *grin*
My 52 Books group is traveling through England for the month of February and this month's flower is Rose. I shouldn't have too much trouble spelling that one out.
I'm still reading Helprin's A Soldier of the Great War (dusty and chunky) which is quite interesting and Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase (ebook) and as always, his books are off the wall. I just finished listening to Faith Hunter's Blood of the Earth from her Soulwood series and will begin Curse on the Land tomorrow during my drive to work.
Off to shop, then plan lessons for the week.
Congrats on the beginning of the end of your homeschool journey. It was a tremendous relief when my last child enrolled at our local community college. I felt myself relaxing.