Life in the fast lane

This year went incredibly fast.  All my writing and reading goals basically went out the window once I became involved in Writers Village University MFA certificate program.  Bob Hembree, the brain behind WVU, developed an MFA program modeled after university programs.  Along with a one year creative writing, there is now a two year short story cert, and fiction or nonfiction three year certificate. I had completed a few self study courses as well as gotten involved in a group study reading and working through Alice LaPlante's Making of a Short Story. So when he asked for volunteers to help facilitate the classes, I jumped in with both feet.  It's been a remarkable year, learning and writing as well as guiding other writing students through different courses. 

Somehow, the crazy person that I am, volunteered for another year and will be facilitating all the non fiction MFA classes as well as the program's core course, Narrative Design.  *gulp* 

I'm happy to say that as a result of these classes, I've finished a couple short stories, several flash fiction and non fiction flash pieces.  I've also gained more insight into my leading character, Greg, from Eyes in the Ashes. Now I'm contemplating writing a prequel short story for him, the same as I did for Paul and Layla.  Although I have made progress with editing Eyes, the story is still not completely presentable yet. Still need more creative and constructive editing.  

In the midst of my studies, we continue to home school. James is currently in 10th grade and a budding historian as well as fan fiction writer.  His interests lay with World War II and he's now writing alternative historical fiction stories.  He is a passionate, prolific writer and I'm trying to pass on the information I've gleaned from my courses.  By George, I think it's working.

More later, my lovelies!

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