Sunday Salon: Finding the groove

Life:  Whether you are right about the weather or writing about the weather, change is hard.  We eased back into lessons this past week with a minimum of fuss. However, we are still working out the kinks on timing and James desire to do everything on his own and when it's time for a supervisory review.   I told him to look at it like a job - he can either stop at a certain reasonable time every day for his supervisor (me)  to review his work or we can stipulate Friday as review day.  We tried the latter this week and it leaves a bit to be desired as we were a bit cranky at the end of the long week.  He's a teenager - nuff said.   How many more years to go?  Concentrating on my one word - Grace.

ROW80: Writing and reading wise,  spending my mornings getting into a study, reading, and writing mode.  The goal is to write daily - whether it's journaling, blogging or working on wip.  I wrote everyday except for one day this week.  I'm loving the Write Brain workbook and had a lot of fun with the exercise Far Far Away in which you think of a person who really bugs or annoys you, and then think of a place you'd like to send this person.  Then -mentally--send them there.   With that in mind. start with - The post card arrived......   (Just a hint, an unhappy acquaintance who is not happy unless they have something to complain about).  Did I accomplish all my goals this week. Alas not since life happens so carrying goal over to this week:

1)  WIP: Review draft of Eyes in the Ashes, re-evaluate and detail what needs to be done. Have partial 3rd edit completed.
2)  Craft Study:  Complete chapter 1 exercises of The Writer's Journey and apply them to main characters of Eyes.
3)  ROW80 participants - visit all the two's.
4)  Morning pages:  continue with Jesus calling and Write Brain workbook.

Reading:  This week I finished Around the World with Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis which was mediocre  and the first book in The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith which was quite interesting.  I'll be posting my reviews Monday and Friday.  I'm still reading Echoing Silence: Thomas Merton on the Vocation of Writing and Brett Battles Sick about an evil scientist and a nasty population killing virus. Pulling down from the dusty shelf to read Across the Universe by Beth Revis and Genesis by Bernard Beckett.  Seems I'm doing the A to Z challenge after all.

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52 BOOKS: It's book week 3 already and highlighting Pierre Berton, Canadian non fiction author who died in 2004.  Check out the video of his life which is quite informative.

Came across a really neat challenge by Gina at Book Dragon's lair which will begin in April and run for two years: Monthly Mix up Mania in which you read a book for each letter for each month of the year.  Sounds like fun. 

What are you reading this week? 

The Sunday


  1. the monthly mix-up sounds like fun, enjoy! Teens...they certainly do make the hair turn white sometimes. My youngest has been great but the past couple of months he is starting to test the boundaries and his mouth! Seems the closer he is to 18 the more he thinks he can make it on his own!! LOL!!

  2. We started back to school this week too. Monday and Tuesday went well. I scheduled too much for the rest of the week; we're still working on balance.

    Thanks for the reminder about The Writer's Journey. I read it last spring and need to read through all my notes.

  3. Oh wow...your far far away challenge sounds like fun. I may have to try it...I have a couple people on the list of "I'd like them to be anywhere but here!" Lol! That said, sounds like you're doing great with your writing! Yay you! :-)


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