Synopsis: Narrated by Mame’s fictional deadpan nephew, Around the World with Auntie Mame
takes readers on a first-rate if not always first-class voyage to
intriguing locales around the world—including Paris, London, and
Lebanon. Setting sail aboard the Normandie, Mame soon finds
herself pursued by Interpol and rescued from semi-nudity by a pack of
Irish wolfhounds. Next, Mame’s antics lead her to a gunrunning ship on
the eve of World War II, causing luxury accommodations to be forfeited
for the sake of action. But not to worry—she doesn’t rough it for long.
If you thought her Manhattan parties were superb, you’ll want to put
yourself on the guest list for her splashy Venice bash featured in this
equally tipsy and titillating romp.
When I turned 50 three years ago, my father blessed me with a memory. He remembered reading Around the World with Auntie Mame to my mother when she was in labor with me. So of course I had to read it. The story is told as a series of vignettes as Patrick tells his wife Pegeen of his crazy adventures with his Auntie Mame while they are waiting and have been waiting for many many months in hopes she will return their son for Christmas. Mame had
a habit of throwing money around and jumping from the fire pan into the
fire and escaping to do so again in another country. I made it about 2/3rds of the way through Mame's madcap travels before I couldn't take it anymore and just skipped to the end. It's full of the type of hilarity and stupidity and slap stick humor that just makes me nervous, but if you like that type of thing, you'll enjoy it.
Released: Originally released 1958
Pages: 322
Setting: London, Venice, Austria, etc
Challenge: Dusty book
Rating: 2
YTD: 3
Ha! I'm not big on slap-stick.