Sunday Salon: life

Josephine Walls

Thank you to every one for your good thoughts, vibes and prayers for my mom and dad.  As soon as she had the kyphoplasty, the majority of her pain went away and every thing was up hill from there.   She was pretty weak after the procedure but started gaining strength after a couple days of rest.  Once the major pain issue was taken care, then she started noticing the aches and pains of having been bed ridden for so long.     I don't see how anyone gets rest in a hospital when they wake you up several times a night to take blood, check blood pressure, take xrays or do breathing therapy.  She hadn't been eating much because the hospital food was just horrible. 

However, we managed to get her taste buds going with some chicken noodle soup, creamy peanut butter and bagels. My dad hadn't been sleeping too well, so when I arrived, took the night shift and sent him home to sleep in the evenings. After a couple days he was back to his talkative self.  *grin*  And my niece was an absolute angel splitting shifts with me at the hospital and keeping track of all mom's medications and pushing her to do her exercises so she could be released to rehab. She's since been moved over to a care and rehab facility for physical therapy and aftercare for a couple weeks before she can come home.  Hopefully my dad will take advantage of the opportunity to get some rest and recoup his strength.  I gave her some incentive and told her she had to be up and dancing by the next time I see her.  She asked when that would be and I told her three weeks.  What a happy smile I got, though she said no dancing, but she be there to greet me at the door on her feet.  

With the removal of the parental stress, I spent the rest of the week researching 7th grade curriculum which I had been putting off for a while.  Happy to say decided upon most everything except what we'll be doing for p.e.   James isn't into sports so going to have to get creative.  

I've been totally blocked in regards to editing and rewriting my current WIP and  think after a week of getting all the other things on my to do list out of the way, I'm ready to get back into it.  However, we have a busy week coming up with family coming into town for my niece's wedding on Wednesday and ready for this

----- James 13th birthday on the 5th -------

Ack - he's going to be a teenager!

It's going to be a fun week. I'll catch up with you on the other side.


  1. This is excellent news, Robin. Wonderful, the very best. I'm so happy everything went well for your mother.

    Enjoy the birthday party for your son! My daughter (age 9) is already counting down to being a tween.

  2. So wonderful to hear about your mom's progress! And I agree being in the hospital is not restful whatsoever!! 7th grade??!! 13!! Oh no, watch out!! Not boys were pretty good going into their teens!!

  3. Great news! What a relief. And 13? Yikes!!!!

  4. So glad to hear your parents are doing better. I know it had to be super stressful for you. And then back to school is tough. I know you home school, but hey, that's tough too! And ack! The Teenage Years! I have a couple of more years before that strikes. So when are you doing back to school for your kids? Mine go back on Wednesday and Gabe is going to be at the junior high. Yes, junior high starts at 5th here. They do keep the grade halls separate though so that's a comfort. He got picked in the lottery for one of the better magnate schools so I'm hoping he will have a good experience there. ADHD is tough!

    Sorry about the WIP. I know how you feel. I haven't done anything. I signed up for that month long challenge in June and then started my new job (working from home) and was so overwhelmed from working again after so many years. Now I'm settled in and I think I can start being more productive with my schedule. I hope!

    Wow! Could I ramble on enough? Sorry! Anyway, I also wanted to let you know that I'm going to be hosting a week long write-a-thon either the 2nd to last or last week in August. I think I will host it on The Story Inside Me, but I'll let you know for sure.

    Have a great week!


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