2012 Reading Challenges

Josephine Wall's Harp Angel

It is that time of year again when everyone is announcing their reading challenges for next year. Keeping it simply for 2012 and joining in on just a few.  

Beth Fish Reads What's In a Name challenge is always fun and has interesting categories:

Between January 1 and December 31, 2012, read one book in each of the following:
  1. A book with a topographical feature (land formation) in the title: (ie: Black Hills, Purgatory Ridge, Emily of Deep Valley)
  2. A book with something you'd see in the sky in the title: (ie:   Moon Called, Seeing Stars, Cloud Atlas)
  3. A book with a creepy crawly in the title: (ie: Little Bee, Spider Bones, The Witches of Worm)
  4. A book with a type of house in the title: (ie: The Glass Castle, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, Ape House)
  5. A book with something you'd carry in your pocket, purse, or backpack in the title: (ie:  Sarah's Key, The Scarlet Letter, Devlin Diary)
  6. A book with a something you'd find on a calendar in the title: (ie: Day of the Jackal, Elegy for April, Freaky Friday, Year of Magical Thinking) 

    Jackie of Literary Escapism's New Authors Reading challenge which is all about exploring new authors.  My goal will be to read 25.

    Random Widget for now   :)

    Whether Becky hosts the A to Z Challenge, someone else decides too or I just go it alone, I will be doing it again for 2012 and reading 26 alphabetically by Author and 26 alphabetically by Title. 

    Which all works in with my Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks reading challenge I will be hosting again and my Blogging Authors reading project for 2012. 

    Lots of new and interesting Reading Challenges for 2012.  Be sure to check them out at A Novel Challenges which Brianna of  The Book Vixen and her helpful gang of book elves have taken over.

    What challenges are you joining for 2012?


    1. I'm also going to keep it simple in 2012. I'll be doing my Outdo Yourself and Men in Uniforms challenges along with an eBook challenge and a TBR challenge. 2012 will be the year I tackle my TBR pile :)

    2. I don't think I'll be doing any challenges next year. It is always tempting that's for sure but I always fail at them! Have fun with yours!

    3. SO far, I am participating in the debut author challenge, eBook challenge, TBR pile challenge, and the paranormal romance series challenge, which is hosted by my own blog. I am looking to join one more and thinking it may be the what's in a name challenge.

    4. So glad you're joining What's in a Name again. I like the New Author challenge, and A-Z is always fun.


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