Post to Ponder while I'm at Bouchercon

The day has finally arrived.  Tomorrow I'm off to San Francisco for 3 days to attend the Bouchercon World Mystery Writers convention where I'll get to meet some favorite authors and get to know some new to me authors.   So be on the look out for pictures, recap of panels and possibly some books to giveaway when I return.  In the meantime, here are a few posts to ponder.

National Novel Writing Month is quickly approaching.  I've been thinking a lot about my story, writing it in my head.  Somehow I started in the middle and been thinking my way back to the start of the story and think I've just about discovered the beginning.   Jodi Cleghorn of Write anything has a wonderful post - Thinking as writing.

Alexandra Sokoloff, whom I'm hoping to meet at Bcon has deemed October to be Nano prep month and has been posting a series of articles to prepare yourself and your story to begin writing in November.

Check out the blog of The Office of Light and Letters (Chris Baty), the organizers of nanowrimo: Are you a planner or a pantster.

Friday is my review of Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students by Christine Fonseca and she is having a special giveaway. Don't miss it.


  1. What a great opportunity for you Robin. Hope you have a chance to meet all sorts of writers. Can't wait to hear all about it. Hope you have loads of fun.

  2. Have a great time-- I look forward to meeting you there!

  3. Hope you have a super time!! I finally get back to a schedule that lets me read blogs and you're off. But what an event to attend!


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