It's my 3rd Blogoversary!!!!!!

“May the friendships you make be those which endure and all of your grey clouds be small ones for sure. And trusting in Him to Whom we all pray, may a song fill your heart every step of the way.-- Irish Blessing 

Happy Blogoversary to ME!!!

Today is my 3rd blogoversary.  Hard to believe, isn't it. It just seems like yesterday when I started My Two Blessings.   Little did I know I'd still be doing it four years later and have not just one blog but three.  Well, more than that actually  if you want to count Hubby's blog since I'm the one who types all his posts. Or our 3 business websites which is another story all together.  For a person who failed "basic" in college, surprisingly I've haven't had too many problems mastering html, or figuring out ftp and wysiwyg.   Even though it all still seems like foreign language to me. 

I  think blogs are an introvert's dream.   They allow you to ruminate in peace, talk without being interrupted, and write all those thoughts that have been going through your brain. Why is it that people think just because a person is quiet, they have nothing to say.   So cheers to the person who created blogging.  I think he/she must have been an introvert.  Do we know who created blogging?   Hmmm!

I initially started My Two Blessings as a way to share our home school journey with family and  practice my thinking and writing skills.   Along the way I have learned so much and discovered a fascinating variety of book bloggers, aspiring writers and authors.   Now I have evolved into a homeschooling, book blogging, aspiring writer. The woman of many hats.   However, I still have much to learn.  

I'm currently working on my bachelor's Degree and have 3 classes left.  I've begun seriously considering pursuing my M.F.A. - Masters in Fine Arts in creative writing.   However, before I do that I need to take my writing more seriously.  I started back in 2007 on a whim when joined Nanowrimo and discovered I loved creating a story.  After a lifetime of writing business letters, proposals, reports, etc, it was very freeing.  My imagination exploded and since then have come up with three stories.  

What does all this have to do with My Two Blessings?  I'm going to make writing a bigger priority and learn the craft and who better to learn from -  all the writer and authors online.   I've been a lurker on the querytracker writers chain gang (links in side bar) for quite some time.   They ask great questions and provide a wide range of very informative answers.  I've learned much, but never bothered to really think how I would answer the questions.  In order to learn, I need to give the questions some thought and answer them.

How else am I suppose to learn the craft, right.  I'm been concentrating solely on writing and it is time to start using my brain and thinking about the how and the why.   I am also joining in on  Confessions of the Unpublished weekly meme "Wannabe Writer's" for aspiring authors to share, ask questions and get feedback. (links in sidebar)  So you may be seeing more posts on writing for the next year. 

Other than that, I'll still be blogging about whatever comes to mind including home school, books, school and hosting a few book tours.     I also vow for the next year to not lurk so much and comment more.   I blame it all on the Google Reader and realized what the problem was the other day when Elana J. posted her question about comments.   

Google reader is an introvert's dream.  You can read blogs anonymously and quickly, perusing through everyone's post. I may not pop in and leave a comment because my time is limited and the question asked takes brain power and I would have to really give the answer some thought.   Many great questions are asked but in my rush to get through all the posts, figure I'll go back to it later and then forget about it.  Which made me realize I need to slow down, not rush through everyone's post.   I use statcounter as well as many other folks.  There are days I may discover a new blog and drop in on someone's blog I follow through reader, not comment and notice later they drop in on mine.  Like me, when you see a new url in your stat, you check curious to find out who they are.  Then I wonder if they liked what they read or not and why they didn't comment, when I did the exact same thing.  
If we are all rushing through our days, reading but not giving feedback or our opinions or ever just saying 'great post' (which I don't expect a response to) then the other person is left wondering - what did I say? Why aren't they commenting.  So, I'm vowing to no longer be a statistic, slow down and give each blog my undivided attention and respond to their posts. 

Thank you to all my wonderful virtual friends, readers, followers, tweeters and lurkers.  I appreciate each and every one of you and have learned much.  What would you like to know about me?  The floor is open to questions.  Or what advice would you have for me as an aspiring writer.   To celebrate I am giving away a $25 gift certificate from Bevmo.  In order to enter, leave your name and email address, along with your question or advice in the comments.   The giveaway will be open through March 28th and the winner will be picked using 



  1. Happy Blogiversary! I enjoyed your introspective retrospective, and I think you're absolutely write about blogging - both the reading and the writing - being an introvert's dream.

  2. Wow! Hard to believe it's been that long. And you are still going strong. :)

  3. I agree completely about blogging being wonderful for introverts like me-I like your blog design a lot-congrats on the 4th year-I am a follower of your blog now

  4. Happy Anniversary. What has been your greatest challenge in blogging?

  5. Hope this doesn't double post . . . I just got some weird error message with the first one.

    Congrats and a clink of the glasses to more blog happiness in the future!

  6. congratulations!

    I notice a theme of Irish in your blog - what is the connection?

    leenbeen2001 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  7. Congrats on 4 years of blogging! That is such a huge accomplishment!

  8. Happy Blogiversary Robin! I've so enjoyed getting to know you these past few years - keep up the good work, and good luck with your writing. :)

  9. Congratulations, Robin! Four years is a long time in the blog world. I'm glad you're going to be doing more writing. The two things I advise aspiring writers to do are read, read, read and write, write, write.

    Lillie Ammann
    A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye

  10. Congratulation! 4 years! Wow! Love the blog - you do a great job. Keep it up!

    dcf_beth at verizon dot net

  11. Congrats on 4 years! I feel like such a baby in comparison.

    I'm not sure if you've discussed this before, but when you decided to home school, how did your families react? Were they immediately supportive, or did you have to convince them that it was right choice?

    BFish (dot) Reads (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. Happy Blogiversary! Another introvert here :)

  13. Isn't it amazing how fast time flies??? I think it's great that you're almost done with your BA...good luck on the MFA..I think you should go for it.

    My question- do you just sit down and start writing or did you sketch out the characters and a storyline ahead of time?

  14. Happy bloggiversary! You're right, blogging is an introvert's dream--you can interact with people without having to actually interact with them. ;)

  15. Congrats!

    Four years, no wonder your so good at this.

    Like you when I started my blog.. I did not know it was going to be a book blog... who knows whats next. It will be my first year at the end of May.

    Go for that degree... it sounds awesome... when we get resettled I am thinking I will find a MA/MS program somewhere too... as my grandmother said - it is something no one can take away from you...:)

  16. Happy blogiversary and congratulations on keeping your blog for four years! It's crazy awesome!

    And I agree with you that blogging is indeed an introvert's dream. When I started blogging, I didn't realize that there was a trend and every other blogger admitted to being an introvert like myself.

  17. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging - that's so cool! (no need to enter me, just wanted to say congrats. :) )


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