2011 Writing Deliberately
To help me with my goals, I am joining two writing challenges. I've signed up for Kelly Stone's 90 Day Writing Challenge on Facebook. The goal is to set a writing goal you can meet and write every day from January 1st through April 2nd. The other challenge is Kait Nolan's A Round of Words in 80 Days.
The challenge will run in 80 days increments, 4 times a year with a break between. Round one will run through March 24th. Kait says:
Your goal can be anything you like as long as it is MEASURABLE. If you’re already in the middle of a WIP, that’s fine. Tailor your goal to suit that. You may even want to set mini goals (I want to finish the last 40k of this novel. Then I want to spend the last 20 days revising it at x pages a day.). There are a lot of elements to writing a book other than the writing itself. Plotting. Outlining. Character Interviews. Whatever. Set your goal to match wherever you are right now on your WIP. If you want to use your Round for editing a novel, that’s fine too. Just know that this is, at heart, a writing challenge, so all the weekly inspirational posts will be geared in that direction.
There’s no mandatory daily word count. Every writer is different, everyone has different schedules. You set a goal that works for you. Find a way to make writing a priority in your life in a way that FITS. But set SOME kind of schedule and be CONSISTENT.
Goals for 90 Days Writing Challenge
Write every day for one hour and shoot for 500 words (equal to one handwritten page front and page)
A Round of Words in 80 Days
1st quarter: Work on Red Thief and attempt to finish first draft
My goals for the year
Finish the first draft of Red Thief
Outline Red Thief, complete character interviews and research plot points.
Complete 2nd edit of Winter Illusion and Beta Reading
Complete 2nd edit of Winter Illusion and Beta Reading
Take an online writing course.
Enter at least one Writer's Digest writing contest
Join IRL or online critique group.
By the end of the year I would like to have at least one story ready to query. I love all my stories and will have to decide which one I love the most and do my best to finish it.
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