BBAW Reading Meme - Getting to know you

BBAW Reading Meme

Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
Pepsi and Doritos or Chex Mix

Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you? Eek! no - simply too horrifying.

How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open? No spine breaking here - bookmarks

Fiction, Non-fiction, or both? 90% fiction / 10% non fiction

Hard copy or audiobooks?: Hard copy - my brain is too busy to listen to audio books. End up tuning them out.

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you able to put a book down at any point? Used to be I had to read to the end of the chapter. My two extrovert, talkative come see what I doing right now guys have cured me of that. Can leave at any point. After all it is a book - you don't have to rewind. Just go back a paragraph or two until you go "oh yeah, that's where I was at."

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away? is my friend.

What are you currently reading? The Magician: the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel" by Michael Scott.

What is the last book you bought? The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can you read more than one at a time? One fiction and one non fiction only at a time.

Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read? Mornings on the patio or evenings curled up in comfy chair.

Do you prefer series books or stand alone books? Love series, but have nothing against stand alone.

Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over? J.D. Robb aka Nora Roberts

How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?) Used to be when I had enough shelves, they were all alphabetical by author. Now they're a bit helter skelter. In the living room, all the fiction hardbacks are lined up by by height so shelves look neat. The nice looking books all find a home in the living room. All homeschool and educational books organized by subject in foyer bookshelves and kitchen bookshelves. In the bedrooms where it doesn't matter so much, majority are by author. My bedside stand where my current tbr pile is they are sitting on, in, around, in front of - no specific order.


  1. I love J. D. Robb too (as you know)

    I have almost the same answer for favorite place to read.

  2. I would get doritos dust all over the pages!! I love JD Robb too and have begun listening to the In Death series.

  3. Great responses.....Doritos?? how about the cheese fingerprints on the pages?? LOL

  4. Oh, you have The Lost Symbol!! I've been debating whether to get it in ebook format or head out to the store and get it.

  5. Nise and Beth: yes - J.D. Robb is the bomb!

    Gautami: I know you love to read and write poetry. I like your poems - they make sense to me.

    Diane: Yes, I've been know to consume Cheetos's too while reading. Messy, but oh so good.

    Belle: My personal preference - get the hard copy so you can enjoy the whole experience

  6. I'm so impressed by your shelf organization. I WISH mine looked that nice!

  7. How is the Nicholas Flammel book going?

  8. I might have to check out J.D. Rodd since I've never heard of her before.

    btw-i found your blog through BBAW and I really like it =D


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