Book Bloggers Appreciation Week

Book Bloggers Appreciate Week

What is Book Blogger Appreciation Week?

"Book Blogger Appreciation was started by Amy Riley of My Friend Amy in an effort to recognize the hard work and contribution of book bloggers to the promotion and preservation of a literate culture actively engaged in discussing books, authors, and a lifestyle of reading.

The first Book Blogger Appreciation was observed in the fall of 2008 and occurs every September. The week spotlights and celebrates the work of active book bloggers through guest posts, awards, giveaways, and community activities. Book Bloggers are encouraged to register their participation for inclusion in a database of book bloggers."

Amy has come up with a BBAW meme so folks can learn more about BBAW. Check out Mr. linky here and find out more from the folks who were involved last year. She also has a list of questions for newbies - those who didn't participate last year - like me.

1) What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you?

I never really thought of myself as a a book blogger because my blog is pretty eclectic and I don't talk solely about books. But books are a big part of my life, always have been. Reading to me is as necessary as breathing. I have to have my books. A couple years back I stumbled up Callapidder Day's Fall Reading Challenge and joined in. It was absolutely amazing. I ended up meeting the most wonderful folks. All readers who are crazy about books and love to talk about them. Which lead to reviewing the books, discovering new to me books, meeting authors and more book challenges than I could ever dream of and many interesting bloggers. Most of all I discovered a community of the warmest, friendliest folks who welcomed me with open arms (virtually).

2) What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, linking to you, or inspiring you?

There are so many, but the one who I could say started it all was Katrina of Callipidder Day's. I have to say the majority of book bloggers I have come across are open to answering questions, whether you are visiting their blog for the first time or the 100th. That's what I like about the community of book bloggers - everyone is opening and giving. I have no idea how many folks link to me. I only know of a few including Beth and Staci - who comment almost every day. I'm always surprised when I come across a blog that I hadn't visited before and find a link to me. It's always a "wow" moment.

Who inspires me? I'd have to say all those bloggers you see linked in my sidebar. They inspire me every single day with their knowledge.

3) What one question do you have about BBAW that someone who participated last year could answer?

What did you gain from the experience?

You have until August 15th.

Excitement is in the air and I'm looking forward to meeting many more new to me bloggers and joining in during the week.


  1. I am new to BBAW this year too but can feel the excitement! I still am in awe of all the work behind the scenes that most go into this to make it create this kind of excitement.

    I really am looking forward to this!:) Nice meeting you.

  2. Katrina's Fall into Reading challenge really is a great way to connect with bloggers. And thanks so much for mentioning me. I'm here almost every day because I like what you have to say!

  3. I think last year's BBAW just gave me even more of a sense of community. It really drew everyone together, and it was so fun to watch people get interviewed and receive awards. The people who gave out the awards really got into it, too, and it was a blast! The support everyone showed each other was a sight to behold. :-)


  4. Well, I got better at doing podcast interviews. I met a lot of people. Here is mine

  5. I'm looking forward to it, too! Should be fun. :)


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