What's On Your Nightstand - March Edition

My goodness-the month just flew by. I totally forgot about it being the 4th tuesday of the month until I came online today. What is the significance of the 4th Tuesday.

It is time for What's On Your Nightstand hosted by 5 Minutes for Books.

Each month, you can participate by sharing your reading habits with us in one of these ways:

  1. Give a list (or take a picture) of the stack of books that you are in the process of reading or planning to read (it might be on your nightstand, on a bookshelf, or like me, under your bed).
  2. Give short reviews of the book or books that you read that month.
  3. Tell about what you are reading and why. I love to read the backstory on books. Did someone give it to you? Are you trying out a new genre at the recommendation of a friend (or website)? Did you stumble across a new author in a used bookstore?
  4. Fill us in on your reading habits. When are you reading these books? Is one reserved for bedtime reading? Does one stay in your car to be read while you are waiting? Do you read just one book at a time?

My theme for the Spring Reading Challenge this year is first time author reads since I have several books on my nightstand this month that are by authors that I have never read before.

I'm currently reading "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. It has been one of those books you always swear you are going to read someday - well someday has come. For Christmas last year, Father decided he was going to find me books with the most pages ever written. He found and bought "War and Peace" which is 1412 pages long if you include all the appendixes and indexes and notes. He also found a book written by Courtney Thomas called "Walls of Phantoms" which is 1320 pages long and considered the third largest novel ever written.

I promised Father I would read War and Peace "soon" and decided it would be the first book I read for Spring. I started reading War and Peace on Sunday and currently on page 403. I have to say I am actually enjoying the book and if I keep reading at the same rate, will finish it by the end of the week.

What books am I looking forward to reading when I finish?

For the Once Upon a Time III fantasy reading event I can't wait to start

For the Spring Reading challenge I am looking forward to reading

E-book courtesy of Frederic Guarino

Courtesy of Shelf Awareness
Release Date: March 31, 2009

I just finished reading Thomas Merton - The Seven Storey Mountain - An Autobiography of Faith and will be reviewing sometime this week.

Happy Reading!


  1. Wow. War and Peace, huh? That's a hefty undertaking, but you'll always be able to say, "Oh yeah, I read that little old book..."


    Happy reading!

  2. How fun to have a theme of new-to-you authors.

    Good luck!

  3. I have Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Emerald Tablet on my nightstand. Talk about different....

  4. Enjoy your reading, I have Frederic Guarinos book in my TBR too.

  5. I enjoyed The Seven Storey Mountain when I read it last month.
    I have War and Peace on my to be read before I die list. Your comments encourage me to consider it, if I can finish Les Miserables. I keep getting interrupted with other good books.

  6. Looking forward to seeing what you thought of 'Seven Storey Mountain.' And 'War and Peace' too... though it may be awhile, huh? :-)

  7. French Bred looks interesting. I'll be looking for your reveiw.

  8. I just signed up for the Once Upon a Time Challenge.
    I am going to look into your book... The Mystery of Grace. That title along with the book cover looks intriguing.

  9. Wow, I'm impressed that you are even attempting War and Peace.

    I'm just now catching up with the WOYN posts and am actually doing a giveaway as part of mine. :)


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