Posts to think about and ponder while I'm offline today
Brett Battles over at Murderati talks about getting stuck in a story and how to get unstuck. And Tess Gerrittsen talks about When Fiction veers too close to reality. Well worth reading. Heck, all the authors at Murderati are worth reading, every single day.
For those who don't understand all the social media options out there in blog land (like me) Margot at Joyfully retired has a great post which explains it all.
I'm started to think about James 4th grade curriculum and the choices out there are overwhelming. The Well Trained Mind curriculum board is great place to find out what other home schoolers think about and use different curriculum. If you're starting to plan, head on over there and get some ideas.
Lady Glamis at the Innocent Flower has a great post about The Evil Flashback and how to handle flashbacks in your novel. Her post gave me some insight in how to handle the flashbacks in one of my WIP's.
Michelle Hauf of Riding With the Top Down talks about tricks to get creativity moving. Which reminds me, I downloaded one of her books, Kiss Me Deadly, during Harlequin's 60th Anniversary celebration and haven't read it yet. I'll need to schedule a few e-books for Callipidder Day's Spring Reading Challenge.
Speaking of E-books did you know this is Read an E-book week. I didn't until I read Susan Helene Gottfried's Thursday thirteen post about e-books.
Today is Friday the 13th. What are you superstitious about? If at all?
Have a great day!
For those who don't understand all the social media options out there in blog land (like me) Margot at Joyfully retired has a great post which explains it all.
I'm started to think about James 4th grade curriculum and the choices out there are overwhelming. The Well Trained Mind curriculum board is great place to find out what other home schoolers think about and use different curriculum. If you're starting to plan, head on over there and get some ideas.
Lady Glamis at the Innocent Flower has a great post about The Evil Flashback and how to handle flashbacks in your novel. Her post gave me some insight in how to handle the flashbacks in one of my WIP's.
Michelle Hauf of Riding With the Top Down talks about tricks to get creativity moving. Which reminds me, I downloaded one of her books, Kiss Me Deadly, during Harlequin's 60th Anniversary celebration and haven't read it yet. I'll need to schedule a few e-books for Callipidder Day's Spring Reading Challenge.
Speaking of E-books did you know this is Read an E-book week. I didn't until I read Susan Helene Gottfried's Thursday thirteen post about e-books.
Today is Friday the 13th. What are you superstitious about? If at all?
Have a great day!
Aww, hey, thanks for the linky love!
ReplyDeleteI've been surprised at the number of people who've insisted they won't give up their paper and page turning. Personally, I'm not ready to go all e-book, but I can sure see the advantages of them.
AND the disadvantages.
Thanks for the shout out on my blog! That's fantastic. It was a fun post to write. And there are some other GREAT links on here. Thank you muchly!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link on my social media post. I actually wrote it out of frustration. I like your other links here as well.
ReplyDeleteSorry for so many comments all in one day but I had a couple of internet free days this week also and now I'm out catching up. Hope you have a good weekend.
I had to come back and tell you thanks for sending me over to Murderati. What a great website - all those good writers giving us a little taste.