Booking Through Thursday - Best "Bad" Book

Today's Booking Through Thursday is all about the best "Bad" book.

"The opposite of last week’s question: “What is the best ‘worst’ book you have ever read — the one you liked despite some negative reviews or features?”

The best "worst" book I ever read would have, and this is according to the press and many book bloggers and my dad, would have to be Da Vinci Code. This book upset many, many people - for various reasons. Now me - I happened to enjoy the book. And upon hearing all the controversy read it a second time, took notes and did some research. Came to the conclusion as with all things that it is a fiction book after all.

We all know what fiction is, right?

A literary work whose content is produced by the imagination and is not necessarily based on fact.

Evidently there are some folks out there that believe everything they read or hear without regard to the source. The same thing happened when the first Harry Potter book came out. I had never heard of the book and probably wouldn't have read it, except for the press about it being harmful for kids and magic is bad, etc., etc., etc. I picked up the book and read it, thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I'm not putting Harry Potter and Da Vinci Code in the same class by any means. Just illustrating a point.

For some reason, there are people out there (everyone involved in BTT excluded - because literary people do use their brains) that think we can't think for ourselves. That we must be told how to think and what to think. I actually find that very offensive and insulting. I've always been a non conformist, independent person who doesn't like being told how to think. So when the masses are being told - you must think this way about a certain thing, I research the heck out it and come to my own conclusion. Which 9 times out of 10 is the opposite of what we are being told. Which is one of the reasons why we home school. And that is another story...

See - ask a simple question and you don't always get a simple answer.

What is the worst book according to popular opinion, that you liked?


  1. Good for you, research on your own and not listening to what others tell you to think. We should all make our own mind up about things, and books.

  2. I actually really like the subject matter of the book, but it was the writing I couldn't take.

  3. Great post! I research the daylights out of most things too. I guess I just have to "see" for myself. Fits in well with my role as librarian!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog! I had not thought of The Da Vinci Code, that would probably be second on my list!

  5. I just have to say - Amen to all that you said. That is how I feel and the reasons I read The DaVinci Code and Harry Potter as well (and enjoyed them). Sometimes I just want to scream "They are fiction!!!!"

  6. Excellent post and so true! I also like the DaVinci Code. I couldn't believe how many people took issue with it when it was just a story. Happy BTT!

  7. I'm with you on Da Vinci Code. It was like watching a good/bad Nicholas Cage movie where you know that stuff can't happen, but can't look away.

  8. The Da Vinci Code is one I haven't read, though the subject is certainly intriguing :-)

  9. I was amazed that someone else mentioned The DaVinci Code.. I thought I was the only one.. I enjoyed it very much and I do admit I read it because of the controvercy over it :) My second choice was Twilight..

  10. I liked both DaVinci Code and Harry Potter. Fiction is fiction. Enough said. :)

    Great post! Thanks. :)

  11. This is the second reference to "DaVinci" I've read. I haven't read it yet myself. I do think fiction can have greater power over us than our so-called rationality would like to admit, though. But you're right that some of the criticisms of this book might have been simplistic.

  12. I agree with you on the DaVinci Code. I liked it too. For me, it's often the controversy and people saying it's bad that makes me want to read the book.

  13. I liked The Da Vinci Code, but I'm also a francophile, so I was as interested in the setting as I was the story! :)


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