Weekly Report #13

Weekly Wrap Up

2009 is bringing lots of changes to curriculum and life adjustments.

We started lessons again this week after a three week Christmas vacation. I had to adjust the schedule somewhat since I am working Monday, Wednesday and Friday. At first I thought we could do lessons in the morning before I went to work, but discovered that wasn't going to work. Normally, Monday's and Wednesday's would be heavily loaded with Father doing follow up worksheets for English and other things on Tuesdays and Thursdays, plus doing Science reading.

I planned it so Father and James would be doing lots of science reading on Monday, plus math and cursive. Then just adjusted my schedule to Tuesday and Thursdays being the heavy load days with Father doing follow up homework on Wednesday and Friday. We end up doing lessons 5 days a week instead of 4 which will actually give us time to do more. Clear as mud?

Devotions: Continuing our study of Proverbs using the Adventure Bible. James memorized Proverbs 12:1 this week "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge. But he who hates correction is stupid." Father questioned the use of the word stupid and I pulled out our huge catholic bible and it is the correct wording. We all thought it interesting. James does not like to be corrected, so this verse really hit home.

We are going to work a little harder on bible study, character and manners. I decided to try the Explorer bible study (Thanks, Jessica) and ordered "Bible Discovery: In the beginning (Genesis)". Plus "
Manners Made Easy for the Family: 365 Timeless Etiquette Tips for Every Occasion". Also ordered a couple character study books from Keepers of the Faith. Everything will be arriving next week and will work out how to implement.

Voyages in English: Started Section 4 Verbs and learned about action verbs and being verbs.

Spelling: Lesson 12 which is a review of lessons 7 through 11.

Cursive: Completed more review and mastery and moved on to k,r, and s

Writing: Writing strands didn't work for us. Father didn't like the way it is written and had trouble with it. James didn't like it all that much. Researched a bit and decided to go with SWB's Writing with Ease. Ordered The Complete Writer and the WWE Workbook 2 from Peace Hill Press.

Math: Review, Review Review of Subtraction facts. He didn't forget much over the break. Yeah!

Science: Father and James are continuing to study the periodic table. Read chapter one about hydrogen in the Periodic Table-Elements with Style and all about Mendelev in Great Scientist Books.

They also read the first and second chapters of "Archimedes and the Door of Science". Another wonderful book from the Living History Library. They read about who is Archimedes and the world of Archimedes. Of course, they had to pop to the end of the book and find out about how he died. Seems he was writing something in the dirt and a soldier stood on his drawing. After asking the soldier to politely move and not getting a response, he popped the solder on the knee with his drawing stick. The soldier stabbed him to death. Since Archimedes was a favorite of the ruler at the time, the solder was put to death.

Father bought us the Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Comstock so we will be joining in on the Outdoor Hour Challenge hosted by Barb of Harmony Art Mom. Barb recommends doing the first five challenges, then catching up with whatever challenge is being done currently.

The first Outdoor House Challenge is Getting Started in which I need to read and study pages 1 - 8 in the handbook, then take James out for a nature walk around the neighborhood. When we come back, discuss what he saw on the walk and pick two of those things to focus on - whether it was a bird, a leaf, or an acorn. Then look up the information in the book and share interesting facts with James over one week period of time.

Barb is also starting a Winter Wednesdays activity starting January 7th utilizing the book "Discover Nature in Winter," which we don't have. One more thing for my wish list. But the activity will include things for folks to do who don't have the book.

AND, last but not least - I bought this
"Living Memory" by Andrew Campbell (plaid dad over at the well trained mind forums.) Comprehensive resource for k-12 for memorization, copywork and dictation. According to all the buzz on the forum, its packed full of information which will be helpful even for Father and I.

Everything I ordered will be in next week and it will be interesting reading it all and figuring out how to incorporate into the schedule. Plus my art class starts next week. I'm excited.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your had a wonderful first week in '09. Happy New Year!


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