Godzilla versus Aguilas by James
It was a bright summer morning in Tokyo. A bird perched on a tree sang sweetly. On the ship, the people were making music. Just then, I saw some strange monster rising out the sea. "What is that?" said the Captain. "Don't Worry" I said, "It is just Godzilla." "Hi Godzilla," I said. "Roooaaaarrrr" said Godzilla, "I have some bad news to tell you." "What bad news" I asked. "Well" said Godzilla, "Aguilas is attacking Osaka and we must stop him."
"Okay" I said to Godzilla, starting up the ship and racing towards Osaka with Godzilla.
When we get there, Aguilas saw the ship and let out a loud "Rooooaaaaarrrrr!"
Godzilla, with a loud loud roar jumped on the end of Aguilas's tail. With one loud chomp, Godzilla cut off Aguilas's tail. Aguilas jumped and leaped to his feet. With a blast of fire, Godzilla killed Aguilas. Okaka was safe and Godzilla had won.
The End.
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