Homeschool reads: 35 more books

As of April 9th, James completed 35 books (or what I consider the equivalent since some were hard)

Disney’s Winnie the Pooh (consider it 5 stories)
Storm in the Night
Good As Gold (Winnie the Pooh)
Leif the Lucky by D’Aulaire (difficult – 2 books)
Seabird by Holling C Holling (Difficult – 4 stories)
Patrick, Saint of Ireland
Guess How Much I Love You
Stories of Winnie the Pooh by Milne (Difficult as a read aloud, even for me – 4 stories)
Winnie the Pooh A.B.C. with Pooh
Pooh’s Scrapbook
Why Frogs are Wet
Safe in the Woods with Pooh
What Happens in Spring (National Geographic)
Pumpkin Runner
Higgens Bend Song and Dance
St Valentines
Three Names
They were Strong and Good
Racoon on the Moon
Put Upon Percy – Thomas the Tank Engine
The Cranky Day – Thomas the Tank Engine
Lady Hat’s Birthday Party – Thomas the Tank Engine

We recently acquired a few Winnie the Pooh books from the local used bookstore so James of course, tore through those quicker than quicker.

What did DVD James want and get for reading these 35 stories: Thomas Halloween Adventures.

We have upped the ante to 50 books for the next desired DVD because it is a little bit more expensive: Rebirth of Mothra.

Yes, James tastes are quite interesting for a 7 year old. At least it isn’t Sponge Bob!!!!

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