Sunday Salon: Getting in the rhythm and ROW80 Checkin

Melvin and Gracie snuggling
It is a beautiful day out and what are we doing?  Watching Tron Legacy.  Father and I watched it last night and James was very anxious about seeing it as well, so.....    This has been the week for movies.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 was released on Friday.  I pre-ordered it from Amazon and it arrived Friday morning.  So ask me if I got any writing done.  Not on Friday.  We sat down to watch it right away, instead of writing and even doing lessons.   Actually we can call it research  - comparing the movie and the book.  
Between that and my humanities class, I only managed to work on Red Thief a couple days.   I had to come up with an argument in favor of Physician Assisted Suicide based on utilitarian ethics and also write a faux letter to my assemblywoman about the Death with Dignity Act.   It seems my fellow classmates were having as much difficulty writing their papers as well as everyone procrastinated in posting their responses until this weekend.    Next week will be lighter and concentrating on Art and Critical Thinking.  I still managed to do my morning pages every day - yeah me!

Check out how the rest of the ROW80 writers are doing here.

I'm currently reading a historical fiction novel, "The Silver Eagle" by Ben Kane.  #2 in a series   Excellent so far, though it is going a bit slowly.  My treadmill nook book is a new author for me Anne Marsh's Bond with Me. Kind of a dark, sexual paranormal. Ahem -  very r rated.   However not sure I'm liking it.  It's all about the fallen angels and totally paints archangel Michael in a bad light. Just have to keep reminding myself it is fiction. 

Still working on A Thomas Jefferson Education.   I posted an excerpt from it on Friday that totally reminded me of what is happening today.  Kind of scary. The primary reason I started reading it is to learn how to be a better mentor to James.  In the process, I've decided I really need a mentor myself.   Also started reading Holy Yoga by Brooke Boon and still on week 8 of The Artist's way. Working on tasks from previous week making image file and image collage.  I seem to be failing with the Artist's Dates and have to get a bit more creative.

We are in week 16 of Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks.  Since this month is National Poetry Month, still talking about poetry. This week was a bit simplistic with O is for Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear.

I discovered The Positivity Blog yesterday and came across a post with One Powerful Tip for When You Feel Like Giving Up on a New Habit.   Excellent advice - one day at a time.

A Time to Talk by Robert Frost
When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
I don't stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven't hoed,
And shout from where I am, 'What is it?'
No, not as there is a time talk.
I thrust my hoe in the mellow ground,
Blade-end up and five feet tall,
And plod: I go up to the stone wall
For a friendly visit.

The Sunday


  1. Love your kitties! You should join me for my Cat Thursday meme every week. We're all a bunch of cat lovers!

    I'm taking a break from ROW80 for personal reasons until early in May. I'll be posting about it on my writing blog tonight. I am going to check out the positivity blog you mentioned. I could use a little positive energy in my life!

    Hope you enjoyed Harry Potter...I know I did!

  2. I watched HP too, what did you think of it?

    I love Robert Frost btw, nice one. :)

  3. Your cats crack me up!!! You're so busy and you should take a little time to enjoy movies and of course it's very fun to compare and contrast the books vs. the movie.

  4. Actually, I made my way here from your comment on Claudia's post at the ROW80 site. I too started writing at age 48 (well, the year I turned 48). I'm in my third year now and like you, still working hard and learning. It's nice to meet a fellow late bloomer.

  5. Harry Potter set me back a little with my ROW80 goals, too!

    Glad you keep posting about the Artist's Way, reminds me I want to do that. Now off to check out that post on not giving up on forming a new habit.

  6. @Michelle - Thanks for the cat meme invite but I barely have time to read all the ROW80 entries. Good luck with your move!

    @Claire - Loved Harry Potter. Stuck to the book for the most part. Although my son took great delight in pointing out the differences.

    @Staci - Yes, relaxing very important. Getting back into the reading groove.

    @Clairegillian - Thanks for dropping by. Cheers to late bloomers. :)

    @Margo - Yep, HP gets around.


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